later we sat together to watch "Buffy", of all things
Over the course of the day on 9/11, almost every TV station -- meaning all the 100+ cable channels -- switched their programming either to a news feed, or simply put up a message that said "Out of respect," blah blah blah, "We have suspended programming for the immediate future."
Except Sci-Fi Channel, who I really ought to send a thank-you note to. They maintained their regular programming.
All day, and well into the evening, I watched coverage -- or listened on the radio -- nonstop. And finally, during an interview with someone who was recounting how they had to leave behind a co-worker in the Towers, I hit emotional critical mass. I couldn't watch any more coverage, but I also didn't want to sit in silence. Music didn't appeal, because I needed something visually flickering before me.
Sci-Fi Channel was showing Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. I was never so grateful to see William Shatner's overacting as I was that evening. It was exactly the diversion my brain needed.
What's grimly amusing to me is how many people I know who, in talking about it later, said "Yeah! I watched that movie that night, too!"
I was going to spend the day babysitting my friend's two kids while she had meetings in DC. She arrived pretty soon after it all started, and they all ended up spending the day with me. It was good not to be alone.
It's not weird.
When the plane crashed into the Pentagon I kept thinking "It's a Tom Clancy novel!!" And then there were reporters in front of the building interviewing evacuees and I was freaked out and so sure that someone was going to start shooting the people leaving the building.
What's grimly amusing to me is how many people I know who, in talking about it later, said "Yeah! I watched that movie that night, too!"
I remember how I kept telling Buffistas to stop watching the news if they feel like they can't watch anymore, how they should switch the channel or put some tape inside the VCR. I kept repeating that it's OK, that it's not disrespect, that it doesn't mean ignoring what's going on or trying to delete it, that it's just preventing a short-circuit in the system.
In the recent war here, I tried to watch a full news edition at least once a day, but not more than once a day. One channel put old re-runs (and, surprisingly enough, "The Inside") on at nights, which was a very good decision, too.
I recall I, and several people on the board, were grateful when USA showed Sabrina The Teenaged Witch Goes To Australia on the Wednesday night. (Though it was godawful, it was at least a distraction).
Jen, I didn't get to post with you before - I was so glad to read your news. I hope things will only continue to improve for you, from now on.
Except Sci-Fi Channel, who I really ought to send a thank-you note to. They maintained their regular programming.
No! During the day, they were scheduled for a marathon of that grim, violent show Space Above and Beyond. (I knew it, because I had the kind of cable that tells you what is scheduled for each hour.) I spent several hours checking in with gentle Scott Bakula and
Quantum Leap
reruns instead, while the cable bar kept telling me I was watching a grim war show.
(I do remember them going over to Star Trek movies in the evening. I watched
Thanks for the Happy Birthdays guys!!!!!!
I'm chilling in Jersey with the fam. We're about to watch 40 Year Old Virgin which I have never managed to see.
I think the "small plane" report came about because the WTC towers were so incredibly huge, even a passenger jet actually looked like a small plane next to them.
It was deffinately the scale of the buildings. When I got off the subway and saw a woman standing in the middle of 7th Avenue flipping out she was telling me she just saw a cessna hit the tower as I walked her to the curb, told her not to stand in the street, and RUSHED OFF TO WORK.
I remember meeting up after work at Toad for drinking with Buffistas... Jon, Emily, and TomW were there... I know there were others.