SA, I thought you lived in Chicago for at least a little while during semester breaks -- but maybe I was thinking of someone else!
I did, but I lived in Evanston, which was a very quiet and residential area. I went downtown all the time, but that was completely different from now. I live in Temple Bar (luckily in another apartment complex and not above a store or bar!) but I'm right off of Dame Street, which is one of the busiest people-filled roads in Dublin 2, and surrounded by bars and clubs and shops and pubs. So there are *always* people around (the large majority of them drunk) and in the mornings I play at being a quarterback, dodging through the throngs to make my bus on time. In Evanston, I wouldn't see more than five people until I actually boarded the train. So, cities, yes, but different lifestyles.
Wow, already both a place as well as a job - go you!
While I managed to find both a job and a place to live in exactly a week, it felt like the stress of a month! But I'm very glad I have this together.
SA was here in Chicago for a summer between semesters, but now there are no more semesters (whoot!) and she's off to distant shores.
There aren't! It's very strange that my friends are in class right now and I'm... not doing work. *g*
I think it would be a good plan for the downtown-istas to have lunch together if possible.
I also think everyone should get out of work early.
Happy Birthday.
Not a downtown-ista, but I think it is an excellent plan. As is getting out of work early, but not happening. Pout.
Happy Birthday Trudy! With Porn!
Happy Birthday Kara! With Pony!
Happy Birthdays, Trudy and Kara!
I also think everyone should get pout of work early.
Rest assured, I will be extra pouty at work today.
And I'll add some pout from DC. Should be fairly easy with all the overcast.
Happy Birthday Trudy!
Also, it really seems like just yesterday that 9/11 happened, and most of my memories are of the buffistas as we were keeping each other up to date in our offices and sharing our horror and shock with each other. I was grateful to be a Buffista that day and I thank you all.
ETA and Kara. I hadn't realized.
Seeing as this is my Buffistaversary, I'd like to second Sophia's post. I really can't think of anything to add to it.
In a few days it will be my 5th Buffistaversary. I had finally turned off the television unable to watch anymore. I had never been to any kind of internet board and the first one I found was the Buffistas. (Spike's Bitches, you know I was looking for distraction) Silly me, I just figured that all boards were going to be like this one. Learned that lesson quick.
I would try and express how much you have meant to me these last 5 years, but you know.
Hugs to all of you, extra hugs to the NYCistas.