Hrm, apparently there are no coffee-drinkers on nightshift tonight, as the pot is empty and cleaned. I normally don't drink it myself, but it's another caffeine source and I've already had 3 cups of tea tonight. It might be time for me to figure out how to use a coffee maker.
ETA: Well, considering the machine made noises and then a coffee-like substance seems to be pouring into the pot, I think I figured it out. No explosions, which is good, though the loud crash as I was walking away, prompting me to doubleback and discover that the filter-holder thing had fallen off and trying to wedge it back into place without making a bigger mess means it could have gone better.
Kalshane - if you get into a situation when you are sleepy - put some alarms on your computer or cell pohone - at least if you fall asleep ,you'll wake up to check the stuff you need to check
At the moment I'm awake (and don't have a cell phone) and drinking my first personally-brewed cup of coffee. (Tastes just as vile as the stuff other people make, so I guess I did it right) so I'm good for now. Thanks, though.
I've either reached the point where my body has realized I'm not sleeping any time soon and is dealing with it (I feel really tired, but I'm not in danger of nodding off) or else I've managed to get the proper amount of caffeine in my system to counteract the urge to sleep.
ETA: I also brought a tennis ball with me. Whenever I start getting to where I feel like I might nod off, I get up and bounce it off the server room door for about 5 minutes. I got the idea from playing with the vendor logoed superball sitting on someone's desk last night, but the tennis ball is a little less likely to go wild and destroy a light fixture.
I've also felt it necessary to add "Elite Squad of Ninja Monkey's Deployed" as a step on a project planning chart someone drew on the department whiteboard. So I'm keeping myself entertained.
Girlfriend is wise. She suggested putting instant hot chocolate into coffee. Resulting beverage is actually tasty. Maybe I should keep her.
Did everyone else go to bed, or do they just all have lives?
I'm, err. Writing things I shouldn't be.
Taking a break from one thing I shouldn't be writing to write another, in fact.
Taking a break from one thing I shouldn't be writing to write another, in fact.
Another thing you shouldn't, or just something else?
ION, "Proof of Concept" for the Lucasified classic Trek episodes:
It is safe to say that everything I've written tonight has been something I shouldn't be writing.
But it's fun, so I use my powers for evil.
But it's fun, so I use my powers for evil.
Does that mean there are you know whats?
Does that mean there are you know whats?
Nah. Though I'm still cracking up over the Deadwood You Know What.
I'm just, err, playing in the Snippets Sans Shame field at meyerlemon's.