Robotic Frisbees of Death
It ain't easy, picking out evil-doers in the urban canyons of the Middle East; there are so many places to hide. Taking 'em out can be even harder, what with all those noncombatants hanging nearby. But the Air Force thinks it might have an answer to this most vexing problem in counter-insurgency: frisbees.
Not just any frisbees, mind you. Robotic frisbees. Heavily armed robotic frisbees.
Once they catch up to the baddies, the drones will use a series of armor-piercing explosives, shooting jets of molten metal, to eliminate their targets. And these MEFP [Multiple Explosively Formed Penetrator] "warheads will be controllable so as to provide a single large fragment (bunker-buster) or tailorable pattern of smaller fragments (unprotected infantry or light utility vehicles)." The decision of whether to go bunker-buster or infantry-annihilator mode can either be determined by the drones' human operators, "or autonomous target classification routine built into the UAV."
Huh. I bet Skynet could use these....
Crazy Harry
Oh, right. Harry Dresden. I didn't make that connection, I guess I just think of him as Dresden.
Looking for something to do on 9/11? How about going dove-hunting with Republicans? [link]
Thing is, if I just up and quit, I'll put one of my co-workers in the same position I'm in now, and I don't want to screw them over like that.
Or they'll realize that they can't just stick someone with something like that and reconsider how they decide to fill that position. Okay, probably not. But it could happen.
I know you'll do what you feel is right once the situation clarifies, but as someone in a really sucky job situation where if one of my equally fucked coworkers up and quit I'd be screwed, I'd still back them if they felt they had to go. Which, again, maybe not the same for everyone. Just don't rank your own fucked up situation behind theirs, is all I'm saying.
Well, a can of soda on the drive up, a cup of black tea upon arrival and finishing off another 20 ounce of soda and a couple cups of water seems to have gotten rid of most of my headache and demushed my brain somewhat. I almost feel like I can think coherently and may even be able to do some troubleshooting should someone actually call again. (I did have a couple calls tonight, surprisingly enough. One I had to call the tech who had setup the device on because I just couldn't make sense of what the user was saying, and the other was one of those magical talking to the it guy made it start working again sort of deals.)
I know you'll do what you feel is right once the situation clarifies, but as someone in a really sucky job situation where if one of my equally fucked coworkers up and quit I'd be screwed, I'd still back them if they felt they had to go. Which, again, maybe not the same for everyone. Just don't rank your own fucked up situation behind theirs, is all I'm saying.
::nods:: I understand. And I'm sure my co-workers would understand if I up and left, considering. But the fact that they would be understanding makes me less-inclined to do it, if that makes any sense.
Oh, right. Harry Dresden. I didn't make that connection, I guess I just think of him as Dresden.
Yeah. And really, Bolshevik Muppet is a lot of fun to say, so it wins points there as well.
ION, package is open. Cupcakes not as good as remembered, but still good.
Python swallows sheep, then can't crawl off the road: [link]
The picture is weird - is that one of the sheep's feet sticking out of the python's mouth?
Can't tell about the feet, but you reminded me another to see if I can find it somewhere.
Got it: Snake wash
Wierdness. I have a lost and/or injured pigeon. I never see pigeons around here, but this one was hopping around my pool area. It has a red tie wrap on one foot and a band with writing on the other foot.
DH convinced it to hop into a kitty cage so I can take it to an animal shelter tomorrow. With the number of cats we have around it would not live the night outside. I put some water and croutons in the cage. I don't have bird seed.
Have no clue how it managed to find my house or where it came from.