Heh. That, too.
I paid someone to bring me a pizza. Half of which I inhaled. I might die, but it was worth it. There's probably something else I'd have rather had back before I had the pizza. Right now I can't imagine ever wanting to eat again.
ION, I'm weak. I've been staring at the pack of Hostess Cupcakes sitting in the vending machine all week. They're now sitting on the desk, though at the moment still unopened.
Someone tell me they're not going to taste as good as I remember from when I was a kid.
If you could have someone bring you one item of food or drink right now, what would it be?
Well, not Hostess cupcakes, obviously. I could really go for some of my mother's homemade pizza right now, though.
I could pay someone to bring me pizza, but my choices here are Dominos, Pizza Time, and Pizza Hut.
None of which are worth the effort or the wait.
PS Hey, Erika, if you're around, check out the link in my last post in the ff thread. I think you'd get a kick out of it...
Aligning with Plei, I'd also go for pad thai, more naan (though I have it in my freezer, I don't have kashmiri naan, which was sweet.) Gorditos a la the place on Picacho that sold them at a dollar a piece, with unlimited salsa, sour cream, guac and chopped veggies.
Though I'm not hungry. Just food I can't get NOW.
Kalshane, I just noticed your tag (FTR, ""Kincaid! Bolshevik Muppet!") and it happens I just finished re-reading
Blood Rites.
I wonder why Butcher didn't use the character's name (Crazy Harry [link] Given the way the reference was used, I don't see how copyright or trademark would be an issue. Maybe he was just being ultra-cautious.
Thing is, if I just up and quit, I'll put one of my co-workers in the same position I'm in now, and I don't want to screw them over like that.
But it's not your fault you're in the situation you are. You gotta take care of yourself.
Kalshane, those cupcakes won't taste as good as when you were a kid.
The cupcakes I just made, however, are quite tasty. You're welcome to come get some.
If you could have someone bring you one item of food or drink right now, what would it be?
A good steak. So rare it's mooing. (What? I'm PMSing. I need iron.)