sex has been a heavily restricted by laws for all sorts of things
Yeah. And not always for the best.
Look, I'm not some sort of fun with corpses advocate. There's a sliding scale in my head which has things like polygamy on it too that are not for me, and looked askance at by society, yet I just don't see the point of them being illegal. Sex with corpses is way out on the ick end, with polygamy at the shrug end.
That's the sum of it. Ick isn't enough for me to want to prosecute.
Green aurora over Lake Superior: [link]
Weird but beautiful.
Thing is, if I just up and quit, I'll put one of my co-workers in the same position I'm in now, and I don't want to screw them over like that. But yes, resume is going to be worked on on Monday. At least, once I leave here this morning, I won't have to be back here until Wednesday night (barring maybe showing up at the local office Monday afternoon for the scheduling meeting.) I'll have plenty of time to get sleep, update my resume and do some job hunting on Monday and Tuesday (I've already got plans on Saturday and Sunday, otherwise they would also be used for that as well.)
My comment was offered to show the state does not keep itself out of things where the only damange done is mental anguish.
And my point is that, as far as I know, it does. A crime must occur. You can then sue for additional damages for mental suffering. You can't sue for mental damages if whatever you're upset by was completely legal.
If I understand, you're saying 1) it's illegal to have sex with corpses, and as a result 2) people can sue for mental anguish if it happens. Which is true as far as it goes, but you then seem to argue that 3) since people can sue for mental anguish if it happens, it should be illegal. That's circular.
And my former-boss' transfer out of the dept is now official. Why the CIO waited to send out the announcement until almost 9:30 on a Friday night, I have no idea.
If you could have someone bring you one item of food or drink right now, what would it be?
Mine would be high class root beer.
Hal Sparks is very cute.
Unrelated to the food or drink discussion where I would say "Banana split."
That's circular.
Green chile chicken enchiladas made by Mrs. Apodaca. Cause I've never tasted better.
Hmm, I need to tell her that. Though then she'd think me prospective daughter-in-law material, which I'm not.
Pistachio nuts. Delivered by Hal Sparks would be acceptable.