And Cash, we have a brazillion lawyers around here. Vortex seemed up for a fight the other day. Let her call and save yourself the aggravation.
My twin sister is a lawyer--so we're covered on the legal end. We called the doctor's office and they're typing up some doctor's orders for my parents to take to the sherriff at the jail. Hopefully, that will work--and convince them to call in the nurse on the weekend to give him his injection. If not, I'll have to pursue other options.
It sucks that that happened again, Cash. It doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't he be a better prisoner on his meds?
Yup. Which is why it pisses me off. WE do ALL the legwork to make their jobs easier. We deliver his medication, we monitor his behavior and tell someone if he seems even slightly off, BEFORE he goes psychotic and could hurt himself, another inmate, or god forbid, a jailer or deputy (NOT GOOD). We're trying to keep him and them safe and we always have a fight. We always get shit for it.
Oh, well. I'm sitting tight until my Mom calls me and tells me that they've been successful in getting him medicated. I'm going to worry about it all weekend, though.