All I'm saying is that next time he gets the urge, he needs to go to Washington state. Then trespassing is definitely all he needs worry about.
I think we may have closed that loophole.
Can't remember if we closed the one where we didn't have any laws on the books against corpse fucking, though.
In a shocking development Santa Barbara officials annouce that Flicka, Buttermilk, and Pilgrim refuse to press charges and Mr. Steven is released with a stern warning.
Can't remember if we closed the one where we didn't have any laws on the books against corpse fucking, though.
Is there no freedom anymore? Can you at least eat them?
The corpses?
You know what meat is, don't you?
I took what Plei said to mean human corpses.
Might not have been right, but that's how I took it.
Oh, that's how I took it too. I just have no issue with people eating dead people. Or having sex with them.
Why would I care? The corpse is meat. I have no urge (at all) to do either, but I don't see the point in it being illegal.
I'm not sure what the Sweeny Todd laws are like around here.
I could check the RCW.