tell us all about it bon.
She's a video diarist on youtube whose production values and intriguing storylines have had a lot of people speculating that she's fake. I've been reading some of the metacommentary about it, though not really watching her diaries. I was wondering if anyone here had a take on it. Seems fake to me, but the mystery is interesting-- they've managed to make more compelling mystery than Lost, though YMMV.
Article with more info:
This year I was flabbergasted to find Memphis liquor stores closed on July 4th (along with a lot of restaurants). I wasn't aware that the Fourth had become a close-the-shops-and-roll-up-the-streets kind of holiday like Christmas. And I would have thought it to be a prime selling time for liquor stores—next they'll be closing on New Year's Eve!
hunh, never heard of it. I didn't realize there were youTube communities and serial youTube production.
offa my lawn.
That's awesome! Best I got was people accusing us photoshopping out the aliens.
I once got a call from a woman who was screaming at me to remove a link to our research group from her website. I told her we couldn't have put it there and she needs to just remove it herself. She wailed that she didnt know how. I told her to just log into her server and delete it. She screamed, "SPEAK ENGLISH!"
And then there are the crackpots who call to disprove GR, but I'm not sure why they choose my groups for that. They're usually engineers with delusions of being physicists.
According to a federal indictment, Costin told employees to alter poll data, and managers at the company told employees to "talk to cats and dogs" when instructing them to fabricate the surveys.
Not sure it would work at our place. Teddy is a staunch Democrat. And Marie and Max are apolitical, which is acceptable in 8-year-olds.
Don't mind me. I'm laughing because I'm too unsurprised to be angry, and I'm too old to cry.
I told her to just log into her server and delete it. She screamed, "SPEAK ENGLISH!"
When hubby worked in a survey job, he had one respondent yell "WORDS!" at him several time, then hang up.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- The owner of DataUSA Inc., a company that conducted political polls for the campaigns of President Bush, Sen. Joe Lieberman and other candidates, pleaded guilty to fraud for making up survey and poll results.
Oy, I need to break out the tin foil, as I'm seeing conspiracies within conspiracies here. In that, given that Kerry was leading many of the polls prior to the election, were the made up results to give Bush better numbers or worse, so that Kerry would think his strategy was working. Yep, I need a shiny hat.