How have you missed it?
Everytime somebody's disputed a call, the announcers have all been -- s/he's disputed x-number of calls this tournament. And if they haven't disputed any and the announcers think that they should have -- they remark on that too.
Plus, I believe they mentioned 40-katrillion times during Wimbledon. (Maybe that was just John McEnroe. 'Cause I believe he may have an issue.)
I feel like I've been whacked with the slow-stick today. Cognition just isn't working for me. I have 2.5 hours of meeting coming up, and I'm operating in a serious daze.
How have you missed it?
Don't know, but I did, so I'm grateful for the heads up. It's no big deal.
In depressing media news (well, not news per se but my opinion on it), I was highly disappointed to see Countdown with Keith Olbermann jumping on the JonBenet media hype bandwagon last week. I should have been expecting it--after all, he is on MSNBC--but I thought he was above that sort of crap. He has no problem zinging his superiors when he covers the usual American Idol bullshit, but kowtows to them when he spends the opening half hour on various aspects of that story.
Coundown is the only news show I watch (I don't even bother with the local news shows other than the occasional look at the local 24-hour news channel CLTV, mostly for weather reports), but I tuned out in the JonBenet fever of last week.
The planet controversy continues...
The first definition would potentially give our solar system hundreds of planets. The second would require a planet to dominate its neighbourhood and would throw out all the distant iceballs beyond Neptune, including little Pluto, and leave only eight planets (see Pluto may yet lose planet status).
Since an international group of astronomers proposed it unexpectedly on Friday, the second proposal has received a lot of support. In fact, Caltech's Mike Brown, who has discovered many objects that would be upgraded to planets under the first scheme, actually prefers the second.
I'm hoping for the 8 planet definition.
I was highly disappointed to see Countdown with Keith Olbermann jumping on the JonBenet media hype bandwagon
This is indeed sad.
I just like the headline. I mean, it's bad and all, but.... Hailstorms Cause Pesto Shortage in Italy
This all sounds like a job for erinaceous.
Is erinaceous a Pesto Super-Hero?
No, but maybe she can save Pluto from evil definers.
Pesto shortage is an undeniable tragedy!