I think I just had the most ridiculous work dispute in the history of forever. It was about whether or not to use blue envelopes for intramural mail. I and my boss say yes, accountant says you only use them for money. I think we almost came to blows. I normally wouldn't fight about it, and just go ahead and do it, since boss and I are pretty sure we are right ( since she has worked here 33 years and I 6, and the accountant 4), but the accountant has to order them!
Natter 46: The FIGHTIN' 46
Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.
I think someone (maybe me) posted a link to Chaucer's blog before. Anyway, here's his review of Serpentes on a Shippe
Serpentes on a Shippe! (spoylerez)
Al of Londoun ys aflame wyth newes of the grete entertaynment of 'Serpentes on a Shippe,' the which ys perfourmed ech daye by the menne of the gild of beekeeperes (and thus ys ycleped a 'b-movie'). Ich haue just nowe retourned from a trippe to see yt wyth Litel Lowys and Tommy Vske. Whan ich was ther, Tommy founde for me a copye of the romaunce in fyve chapteres on whiche the performaunce ys based, and Ich shal pooste yt heere for yower redyge. (This writer hath a verye good style - ich am reallye jealous. Oon daye, peraventure, ich shalle write sum thyng of Arthur; and yet, the matir of Troye hath alwey ben easier for me.)
Spoyler alert: If ye haue nat yet sene the performaunce of 'Serpentes on a Shippe,' rede nat of the romaunce, for it doth telle of the manye suprises and straunge eventes that happen in the course of the storye, and thus it mayhap shall lessen yower enjoiement of the performaunce yt self.
Hit befelle uppon a day that SIR SEAN de JEHANNE, who was a yonge knight and a gentil, dide wander as adventures wolde gyde hym nere to the fayre citee of Honolulle. He lepede on his hors from manye an heigh hille yn slowe mocioun yn the maner of a goode knighte and a valyaunte. And whan it was nyghe none, Sir Sean cam to a grete bridge that was made of oold by the Romayns, and from that bridge did hange doun-ward an eremyte whos visage was ful hewn and bledde and al his clothes and the place aboute weren bloode red. And Sir Sean askede hym what he did ther and wherefor he was hanged and who had so grievousli him woundede; ‘Fle from this place, Sir Knight,’ he seyde, ‘For the man cometh who did thes woundes to me and he is a grete kynge but a felon and a traytour and hys name is KYNGE EDICHIM and he hath doon this to me by cause ich haue stood ayeinst hys grete outrages and felonies.’
from Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
...And thogh he scapede from hem, thei sawe wher he rode and knew of his lodging. Therwithal Kyng Edichim sente thre of his knightes to Sir Seanes lodging for to slayen hym for he had sene hys foule deede. And thus cam aftir vespers Sir Stuntman Number Oon and Sir Stuntman Number Two, son of Expendable Extra who had done manye deedes in the dayes of Uther Pendragon, and wyth hem Sir Stuntman Number Thre...
George W. Bush was asked at this morning's press conference whether he'll support Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger in his race against Joe Lieberman. "I'm gonna stay out of Connecticut,"
I kinda feel sorry for Alan Schlesinger. You'd think that Lieberman was the Republican candidate for all the Republican support Schlesinger is getting.
I need some sort of project to keep my mind busy until I get notes from my editor. My mind is racing and overheating. So annoying.
Gack. Multiple sneezes and a sore throat. Where is my zinc???
Turns out I'll have to submit official forms to get dispensation to work from home. With my doctor's signature and everything. I wonder if I'll bother. I could just keep going with the irregular illness-demanded work from home sessions. I was hoping to forestall them by having one day a week be a sort of release valve for travel-related stressors.
And I'm having a hard time disentangling myself from a very stupid argument with a very stupid person in an LJ community.
Oh! Shit! I have a lesson plan or two to put together for krav tonight. Eek.
I need some sort of project to keep my mind busy until I get notes from my editor.
You could create ita's krav lesson plans....
I kinda feel sorry for Alan Schlesinger. You'd think that Lieberman was the Republican candidate for all the Republican support Schlesinger is getting.
I learned on the Daily Show that he's a card-counter and has been kicked out of several casinos. Not that I think there's anything wrong with that, but what was the CT state GOP thinking? Really, I guess they were thinking why bother putting up a real candidate against a long-term incumbent.
You could create ita's krav lesson plans....
Totally! Here are the specs: It's for blue, brown and black belts, and should involve ground, or vision drills, or both.
Totally! Here are the specs: It's for blue, brown and black belts, and should involve ground, or vision drills, or both.
Do you have one of those helmet Obi Wan put on Luke Skywalker to teach him how to lightsaber-fence while blind? Because that would be a great lesson.
For the ground fighting, I suggest a large ring made of chicken wire and you can periodically get on a mike and yell, "MasterBlaster rules Barter Town" and "2 Kravvers Enter, One Kravver Leaves."
Wait. Do you have a chainmail dress?