I think it's amusing that we worry so much about confining an animal that can sleep 20 hours a day, even temporarily.
We used to have to put Oz in the bathroom during mealtimes because he kept jumping up on the dining room table.
He eventually learned to stop doing that.
One sign the people have Too Much Money:
They leave their 30g video iPod in a rental car.
And never call about it nor come back to get it.
Maybe they don't know that's where they left it?
I think it's amusing that we worry so much about confining an animal that can sleep 20 hours a day, even temporarily.
True fact. Of course, the truth is, my bathroom door is so fucked up, he was back out in ten minutes. And since I moved his food out of the kitchen, there was really no reason for him to go in there anyway.
Maybe they don't know that's where they left it?
Maybe. But still. It's been over a month.
I installed a suite of kitty noises for my Adium IM program, and now I find I'm looking around every time somebody logs on or goes offline....
Ugh. So don't want to go to krav this morning. But too late to cancel.
I'm considering going bathing suit shopping at Bloomingdale's. That sentence seems so horrible I can barely contemplate it, but I think it's the most convenient option.
I think Macy's is having a bathing suit sale, maybe.
I got mine at Loehmann's.