I'm glad to know I'm not alone.
Why I love my dad: after wishing him well on his drug-hunting expedition (found a plane wing on an s&r 2 week ago, local chief would rather officials find the fuselage of a likely drug plane) he tells me to go become a hitwoman for the mob. Any mob. No matter I've never shot a gun. Maybe I'll hit someone useless!
Cracks me up. May not get me, but gets how to make me laugh.
WHEE! people are responding to a long list I just posted on Freecycle.
I am not buying these, but someone with a twin bed should: [link]
also: [link]
Psych gets more adorable every week!
msbelle, belated Congratulations on becoming a mommy! I know how long you've been waiting to adopt so you must be totally chuffed.
msbelle, those sheets are so cute!
Back from the farmer's market which is always a good time. Now I have to call my friends to see if they are the proud owners of a new dog!!!
New favorite TV show: How It's Made. It's on Discovery in the evenings, and I'm watching it on the Science Channel right now. It's like those factory segments from Mr. Rogers, all grown up. Kick ass.
So, they're at a pantyhose factory (and it's FASCINATING, I tell you what), but the voiceover guy keeps using pantyhose as singular, and it sounds weird to my ear. I guess it would be, though, huh.