A little after 9:30 sounds fine to me. Hec is off fetching Emmett so he can't voice an opinion, but IIRC neither of us has slept in past 8:30 in the past couple of weeks (well, I did sleep until 2:30 one day, but I was fighting off a cold; I'm pleased to say I slept that little bastard to death and am now just fine and an 8:30 riser again).
I was going to leave my place about 9:30, so I probably wouldn't get there until about 10:15 or 10:30.
Also, received your gmail and shall obey.
Very good.
Friends aren't coming, boo, so cleaning isn't happening, yay.
Now I just have to decide what DVD I'm going to fall asleep during.
Wonder if that new TJ's they're building near my office has opened yet...
Say do what?? There's gonna be a TJ's here?
The evil demons that will eat Devi have left and she's being really cuddly.
Kids just freak.her.out. I guess it is because they tend to move faster and more randomly than adults, but sheesh.
OK, I cannot deal with the movie
How to Eat Fried Worms.
I read the book when I was a kid, fine. I probably maybe could still. But the visuals just set off my gag reflexes. When I saw the trailer in the theater, I had to close my eyes and plug my ears and hum else I lose my lunch. An ad just came on and I spend several eyewatering moments over the toilet. Didn't lose dinner, but it was close.
When did my system get so reactive?
When did my system get so reactive?
When you stopped being 12? I'm having the same reactions to the trailers. I wouldn't have blinked at that stuff when I was a kid.
I think I threw up three times (not counting spitup, and I can tell you what it was each time) until my late 20s or so. Then suddenly I got a nasty gag reflex to imagery/ideas. I'm worse in the morning. Thinking of an upset stomach will set me off. OTOH, I can eat stuff that food poisons others and I don't get ill. I don't get it.
I still don't have my Cartoon Network. However, Adult Swim makes some shows available as streaming video a few days before they're broadcast, so I can go here [link] and watch Sunday's
Venture Brothers
episode, like, right now.
That sounds ... unpleasant, sara.
sara, I had the same reaction to the trailer. Not quite as violent, maybe, but...yeah.