Karr told investigators he drugged and had sex with the child beauty queen before accidentally killing her, said a senior Thai police officer, who was briefed about the interview.
I've seen this terminology in every story I've read about this and it's really offensive. He didn't "have sex" with her. He raped her. He molested her. Combine "had sex" with "child beauty queen" and it feels dangerously close to "she asked for it."
OK, you know how scientists are arguing about how many planets we have? That only proves that they're lying when they say the earth goes around the sun.
No, really. The Heliocentric Hoax
So-called "scientists" who propound the hoax of heliocentrism have been at each other's throats this week as their so-called "theory" falls apart. Heliocentrism is the idea that Earth and all other planets were formed at some point in history and circle around the Sun. How shaky is this "solar system" theory? Well, the experts don't even know how many planets there are:
Even the so-called "scientists" admit their own theories are contradictory nonsense. First, their theories change from day to day -- in fact, the idea of a sun-centered solar system didn't even arise until the year 1540. Second, they can't even agree on the details of their own theory -- some say there are 8 planets, some 12, some say as many as 53! Third, their theories are formed by committee, not derived (as they would have you believe) from some absolute external truth.
Compare that with the Bible, which tells us that Earth was created on the first day, and the Sun was created on the fourth day. (What did Earth circle around the first three days, Professor Smartypants?) The Bible is constant and unchanging, it is a single source of truth, and it was given to us by God not by some committee vote. Here's an experiment for you four-eyes: get your nose out of the telescope and look up in the sky. Then tell me the Sun doesn't go around the Earth.
Heliocentrism - another product of the Secular Humanist conspiracy.
eta: Actually a parody/satire-ish thingy....
I've seen this terminology in every story I've read about this and it's really offensive. He didn't "have sex" with her. He raped her. He molested her. Combine "had sex" with "child beauty queen" and it feels dangerously close to "she asked for it."
I dunno - it seems to me that they're just reporting what the guy said, rather than the police's view of what happened.
Does the rest of the article mention rape at all?
Here's an experiment for you four-eyes: get your nose out of the telescope and look up in the sky. Then tell me the Sun doesn't go around the Earth.
This must be some new definition of the word "telescope" that I was not previously aware of.
Question 1: It wasn't in quotes. It was written by the reporter. Quotes are mine to indicate what was written in the story.
Question 2: No, rape is not mentioned anywhere in the story.
This must be some new definition of the word "telescope" that I was not previously aware of.
Yeah. Plus, I was totally buying the guy's argument until he made that "four-eyes" slur....
I've seen this terminology in every story I've read about this and it's really offensive.
I've been feeling the same way, and I haven't even read any of the stories -- every headline has been about "confessed to killing the former beauty queen", when it seems to me that the emphasis ought to more on the six-year-old child part.
edit: and, after reading your followup post, I'll add that I've been equally disgusted by the total eliding of the rape. Raped a little kid. Not the same as, say, vehicular manslaughter of a former Miss America contestant at all.
Compare that with the Bible, which tells us that Earth was created on the first day, and the Sun was created on the fourth day. (What did Earth circle around the first three days, Professor Smartypants?)
Wow. I give! I bow to the superior logic and the use of the phrase "Professor Smartypants."
Gloom, they can't say that he raped her unless HE says it, or he's found guilty of it in a court of law. It's a libel issue.