Is Bush an 'Idiot'?
Oh my. A lot of these quotes I haven't heard before....
I think tide turning as I remember it, I was raised in the desert, but tides—it is easy to see a tide turn. Did I say those words?
No question that the enemy has tried to spread sectarian violence. They use violence as a tool to do that.
In my State of the—my State of the Union—my speech to the nation, whatever you want to call it.
I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
Notice that he says nothing about humans and cephalopods....
Mmm... Bradley Cooper (sorry Meara).
Randomly, I can't get Me and Julio Down by Schoolyard out of my head. I wonder if that's a sign of something?
I can't get Copa Cabana out of my head. Swap?
I can't get the Without a Trace theme out of my head right now which is a sign of a) me being highly impressionable and b) me watching too much tv.
I can't get Copa Cabana out of my head. Swap?
But that was thirty years ago when they used to have a show - now it's a disco.
Song playing on the radio when I turned the car off was the stupid "Who is gonna love you when your looks are gone" that never fails to get stuck even if it wasn't the last song I heard.
bon bon, I found this quote on the interbunny:
"Unlike most martial arts, Krav Maga is extremely effective for the street. Krav Maga is the real thing." -Bas Rutten UFC Heavyweight Champion
Randomly, I can't get Me and Julio Down by Schoolyard out of my head. I wonder if that's a sign of something?
I've had the Different Strokes theme in my head for a couple of days. And I only know a few of the words. It's making me crazy.
I do not, in fact, want Charles in charge of me.