If he converts to Judaism at the last minute he could get out of being enbalmed (I think).
Hmm. He's pretty pissed at God. But I don't think you have to actually LIKE God to be Jewish. He might balk at the circumsicion though.
Although he was born in 1940, so I suppose -- ACK! JUST REALIZED THINKING ABOUT FATHER'S PENIS' STATE OF BEING.
Must. Bleach. Brain.
Damn, dudes, they are plotting our
Erin, suggest the body farm! (that forensics place they use to study decomp.) He might even get to be put in a tree! (Actually, I vaguely recall hearing something about them having more bodies than they needed.)
Hey, not a bad idea...We'd still have to pony up for a headstone, but he might dig that idea.
I think Mom might put her foot down, though. Assuming she outlives him.
Hey, don't yell at me, Gus. I'm just honoring my father's twisted, penny-pinching mistheopic wishes.
I just had the most awful thought: what my dad would totally totally love is if, after donating his corpse to science, we showed ourselves to truly be his children and
whatever it is they do. Noooooooo!
He is so totally and completely fascinated by that stuff. This is man who asks to have procedures done while he's awake so he can watch (hand rebroken and pinned, knees roto-rootered, reconstructive surgery on his FACE, um, other stuff .) He doesn't watch surgeries on tv or anything, no, what fascinates him is seeing how
works. Luckily, all his surgeons have found this fun and give him extra commentary.
Yeah, he's weird. OTOH, mom tells me he is incredibly bawdy going in and out of anesthesia so maybe having him awake is best.
Heh. Probably best, yeah. I saw a flash of my dad's testicles when he was getting out of bed after his triple bypass, and my God, I think my eyes actually spun around 8 times in .0001 seconds trying to look away.
Heh. Probably best, yeah. I saw a flash of my dad's testicles when he was getting out of bed after his triple bypass, and my God, I think my eyes actually spun around 8 times in .0001 seconds trying to look away.
My family was fairl hippie so it wasn't unusual for me to see my folks naked. Of course, when I was six I knew nothing about testicles so I thought my Father had three penises.
Which made sense to me because he had three children.
Well, "Jeezus Dad! Go put on a decent pair of shorts/fix your robe/you took your shorts off on the front porch?!" was a common refrain in our household. So. Though, ok, the latter only happened once and that even embarassed him.
My parents' nudity taboos are not my own, and that's all I'm saying on a public forum.