My mom took the bitch-fight out of our hands, so to speak.
I got my great-grandma's ring when I had Em.
J will get my grandmother's rings when she has her first baby.
N's wife will get my mom's London Blue Topaz earrings when she has their first baby.
The only thing my sister and I will fight over is some of the furniture and paintings.
My brother gets nothing as he makes more money than we do.
The vast majority of what my mother has, either my sister or I gave her.
Therefore, we can just split it along those lines.
I doubt either of my parents have anything their parents gave them. Anything material, anyway. I know my father used to have a bible of his mother's, but maybe he dumped it after I drew all over it in ballpoint pen.
I was young, rude, stupid, and loved to draw. Even Jesus.
The vast majority of what my mother has, either my sister or I gave her.
I thing bling is on that second X chromo.
Metal and rocks. What can you make out of it that actually does something?
Erin, your dad should look into "green" funerals -- there is such a thing. The body is minimally prepared (no embalming) and the casket is simple wood which will decompose rapidly and return the contents to the earth. There is also cremation!
I come from trash. No heirlooms.
My grandmother let a stranger steal them and was too embarrassed to file a police report.
Rings that protrude are a no-no for me - too liable to hurt myself. Unlikely to buy bling for myself - I'd rather travel.
Anyone has my erikaj stacked up with the trash has a mighty smack enroute!
Being an only child, I'm going to inherit everything my parents own except a few keepsakes for other relatives. Family photos and my mom's recliner are about the only things that I foresee keeping. (Well, the house too, although I regard that as something of a white elephant with a fair amount of equity.)
There is a beautiful piece of furniture that has been in my family for generations that I so want. However, it always gets passed to the oldest boy. So my brother will get it one day. No fair!