God didn't find any righteous people in Sodom, and so he wiped it out. He checked first; he didn't just arbitrarily wipe out good folks along with the bad folks.
I completely forget - was there a similar series of events with Gomorah? Was/were their crime(s) the same as Sodom's? It always seems to get left out of the discussion.
Woot! Your iPod is magic!
It's on your wavelength, that's for sure.
I was raised by fundies and have read the Bible more times than I'd care to mention. I'm also agnostic, but sympathetic to religious people, even though I can't be one. With that in mind, I think the differences between the OT God and the NT God (or even the differences between how the OT God is perceived at different times by different authors) is compatible with the idea of God as a reflection of humanity and a product of its times. I don't think this precludes the actual existence of a God, because I think religious experience is by definition arational and literally ineffable: you can't argue yourself into it or out of it using logic, although the fathers of Western philosophy thought different.
I completely forget - was there a similar series of events with Gomorah? Was/were their crime(s) the same as Sodom's? It always seems to get left out of the discussion.
It was wiped out at the same time/for the same reason. It's kind of like Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Kind of OT, though in line with Nutty's post - at my old firm there was a guy whose last name Word kept wanting to change to Gomorrah. I was laughing about this and my cow-orker, twelve years of Catholic school, and I think a Catholic university, *didn't get it.*
Sometimes, being able to quote scripture is a real pain, because it makes clear how little some "believers" actually know and have thought through their foundational documents.
Heh, this reminds me of one of The Colbert Report's "Get to know a district" bits where he was interviewing a rep who was making a lot of noise about getting the 10 Commandments allowed in schools/court houses, etc. When Colbert asked him to actually name the commandments, I think he was only able to come up with 2 (maybe 3).
Woot! Your iPod is magic!
It's on your wavelength, that's for sure.
Hee. That's like the time I was driving on the freeway past shrift's former city of residence, and the car CD flipped over to the Hard Core Logo soundtrack.
at my old firm there was a guy whose last name Word kept wanting to change to Gomorrah.
It would be so much funnier if Word wanted to change it to Gamera.
It was wiped out at the same time/for the same reason. It's kind of like Minneapolis/St. Paul.
::Makes plans to visit the Mall of Sodom::
Not well, I'm afraid. We thought he was much better Tuesday night, but yesterday he was right back to the scary dark mood and worry about disaster scenarios every waking moment. I'm hoping the anti-depressant starts kicking in consistently soon.
Matt, I hope things improve soon. I recall from when friends switched medication in college that there was usually a week or two where things seemed worse before they got better.