I just don't know what the actual difference between the rings are.
Wedding ring: both men and women wear them (usually); they are simple metal bands.
Engagement ring: usually worn only by women; they are metal bands with one or more precious stones set in them.
Married women tend to pick wedding rings that match the engagement ring (same kind of metal, e.g.), and wear them one right next to the other on the same finger (left ring).
To my surprise, I discovered that much of central Europe wears wedding rings on the right hand. I had Austrian grad school classmates who lessoned me in the variations of tradition.
Cello players, even in the US, wear their wedding rings on their right hands. (At least, all the ones I've known.)
Oh my god. I've spent most of the afternoon going over ppt docs, trying to figure out this monster complex project. I'm so confused.
blahblahblah explanations on why this is the whackassed planning design process I've ever seen.
Give me his/her number and I will scream it into the phone.
You have no idea how much I would love this.
I didn't think the brother was old enough to go to Thailand.
I'd think he would be by now. (The brother was where my thoughts immediately went, too.)
My mother doesn't have an engagement ring. Don't know if that's just her, or a Jamaican thing. Jamaican men
wear wedding rings--I didn't know men were supposed to wear them until I was pretty old. Teens at least.
They arrested someone. [link]
As guilty as the whole family seemed in the JonBenet case, I think there was physical evidence (prints and hair) found at the scene and on the body that didn't match the mother, father or brother. Hence the unsub theory. I'm interested to see who they did arrest though.
You and me brenda, great minds.
Honestly, I don't know enough about the case to have a very informed opinion (this can be said about a great many subjects as well).
Mom didn't have an engagement ring either and dad doesn't wear jewelry of any sort. I don't know when it occurred to me that it was outside US norms. I'm guessing my brother doesn't have/doesn't wear a wedding ring because it would seem weird enough to me if he did that I'd note it.