Both Very True Things. I've read too much about the diamond industry and its history to buy the whole "Diamonds are precious and rare and therefore damn expensive, so pay us more!" thing that DeBeers has going. I'd much rather have a colored stone (rubies and emeralds, especially) that pop rather than sparkle.
See, I agree.
But I still want one.
t /shallow
I love diamonds. But then, I am sure this comes as no surprise to anyone.
Who am I kidding, I want hundreds.
I love diamonds. But then, I am sure this comes as no surprise to anyone.
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental....
But square-cut or pear-shaped,
These rocks don't lose their shape.
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental....
I don't mean rhinestones...
(I justify my diamond love by getting old jewelry. Honest.)
One of the best lyrics EVAH:
But bent back or stiff knees
You stand straight at Tiffanys
Plei! I had a dream last night that you and I were all dressed up in fancy clothes and dancing to entertain Wesley. Just regular, you know, out-at-a-party type dancing. And then, because apparently we were drunk in the dream, we both puked in front of a big group of people, who yelled at us to find a bucket.
we both puked in front of a big group of people, who yelled at us to find a bucket.
Was it YOUR fault that Wesley had taken it away?
Plei! I had a dream last night that you and I were all dressed up in fancy clothes and dancing to entertain Wesley. Just regular, you know, out-at-a-party type dancing. And then, because apparently we were drunk in the dream, we both puked in front of a big group of people, who yelled at us to find a bucket.
Did they threaten to then take it away? (HEE! Bucket X-Post!)
This cracks me up, in a very flashback to the Chicago F2F kind of way.
PS, sending my love down the well via SA.
Oh, I adore the diamond earrings that used to be Mom's. And I'm still kinda miffed that she lost Grandma's diamond ring. But that's mostly because they were Mom's and Grandma's. Somewhat due to teh pretty—cause they are—but it's mostly associative.