I was surprised to see that pepper had been such a big deal. I knew about nutmeg and cloves and mace. Wacky to realize that the Spice Islands really were all about spices. Tangy Tongue Rules World History.
I keep circling around to the experiments with the monkeys who hit the buttons hooked up to their pleasure centers instead of their feed buttons.
ita, NPR had a thing about the problem with knife and blade violence in Scotland that made me think of you. Since guns are Right Out, gang bangers in Scotland make do with lock knives and the occasional machete or samurai sword.
I have been looking at stuff like this all day:
_dt_ym1 proc far
push ax
push bx
push dx
xor ax,ax
mov dx,TIMER0_CNT
in al,dx
or al,al
xor ax,ax
out dx,ax
mov dx,TIMER1_CNT
out dx,ax
All of that gibberish actually means something to me. You can not live in that head-space and make any sense out of shoes and cat farts.
I keep circling around to the experiments with the monkeys who hit the buttons hooked up to their pleasure centers instead of their feed buttons.
With you. The next time I am in a voting booth jabbing levers, I will suppress all memory of this conversation.
That's a lot of pushing, Gus. Are you sure you're not writing porn instead of code?
msbelle -- congratulations!
I hope you and your little boy have nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.
Is anyone good with plants? My jade plant is withering and I have no idea why.
Pushing, porn, plants, pepper, poppies, paxil ... it is a 'p' conspiracy!
Ailleann: It wants light and food. Real light. The thing that stores call "plant spikes" will do the food thing.
Oh, and move it away from the AC vent.
It sits right next to the window, and I used plant food two weeks ago. The AC vent is across the room.
Hmm. Is it old? Plants have lifespans, just like us meat-people.
I'm not sure. I got it two years ago from my old boss. It's got fresh new shoots coming out of the main stalks. Stoopid mixed messages.