I think that constitutes a cupcake emergency. Is there a corporate plan for that?
Our disaster planning should certainly cover ganache. I should raise the point at our weekly meeting.
Is it an "I am Malcom X" type thing?
That thing I get, because it's to some degree a state of mind. "I am African?" Fuck that noise. You're an American with Brit pretension.
Obligatory cute baby human primate link: [link]
The ones on the main site seem to fit with their message better. [link] The "I am African" thing is bizarre.
Oh, I feel you on that. A friend of mine dislocated his ankle during rugby. Scary. Icky. I can post a picture if you want.
Such the giver... Um,
but thanks!
"Please, might I have some food?" LOVE!
Obligatory cute baby human primate link
OMGDEDFROMTHECUTE!!! The axe photos and the begging for food photo especially.
I've tried to think of a good reason for the I Am African things...but wow, what the hell? "I know you don't care about the continent, but if Gwyneth Paltrow pretended she came from there, you would!"
Also, I love Phantom Limb. LOVE.
He's really grown on me this season. I loved the rapport he and Brock had when they had to work together.
And is it just me, or is this season so far even better than last?
Also, the season 1 DVDs show Brock holding what looks like a Samurai sword. That is just so wrong. Brock's only weapon should be his Bowie knife, plus whatever objects he finds lying around or weapons he can take from his enemies. Or he can take his enemies and use them as weapons agains more enemies (like the dream-thing he had, where he simultaneously fought off cowboys riding dinosaurs and frogmen riding motorcycles with polar bears in the sidecars).
I think I would love Brotherhood, Gus. Has a lot of my buttons in it. Not that interested in being a compass, though. Am however very fricking excited about the Wire special that will be on next week. There may have been audible squeeing, which I confess is not very West Baltimore of me.
Interesting about the spices.
I'll go even further than Gwyneth. Doesn't work with David Bowie, either.
Unless he's done a lot more work to support Africa (ok, a concept so broad as to have very little meaning) than I'm aware of. Which is perfectly possible, since I don't really know what Bowie has done lately.