Tommyrot, Venture Brothers just made me laugh out loud as Dr. Venture talked about "the LiveJournal" and his "prison sculpted abs" and "teh Sex."
Oh my god -- the whole episode was hilarious, but, in particular, "the LiveJournal" and "teh Sex" had me doing the loud embarassing donkey laugh.
Also, I love Phantom Limb. LOVE.
happy Rio and Saget day !
Hm. Many, many fire trucks have zoomed past my apt in the past 1/2 hour. Now I hear helicoptors overhead. TV is telling me nothing. This can't be good.
Hmm. Lipstick scent is borderline trigger. Ain't no justice.
This is appalling me. Way to obscure your message with weird-ass casting.
Aurelia, are you still alive?
Not dead yet. I don't think I'm in any danger but I'd really like to know what's going on. I'm still hearing sirens (at least one ambulance has left the scene) but channel surfing the 11am news is still giving me nothing.
Is looking up the news channels on the web any use? That's what I'd do for up to date info about the fires. Also local papers' web sites.
I was reading a kinda silly suggestion of 28 hour days, and they mentioned Lori! Okay, not by name or anything. But I remember this:
Scientists managing the Mars Exploration Rover project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory live 25-hour days to keep pace with Martian time
I have 9 chocolate cupcakes in my fridge at home. Since three of the batch of 12 have already been eaten, this means I have no chocolate cupcakes AT WORK WHERE THEY'RE SORELY NEEDED.
I am a flake. The pluot just won't cut it.
My horoscope sez: Everyone loves a tall tale, especially when you're the one doing the telling. Maybe that's because you have so much panache and style. You're an absolute original, and your friends appreciate you.
I once caught a fish thiiiiiiiiiiiis biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig....
This is appalling me. Way to obscure your message with weird-ass casting.
You might enjoy the inevitable parodies.
You might enjoy the inevitable parodies.
Those are what got me to the ad itself. But I don't have any neurons left to appreciate them, because they're all tied up with the stupidity of the campaign, never mind casting.
Hmm. 12:30 meeting. I should nap early.