Jessica, your stove-mouse trumps my laundry-silverfish. Gah.
Oh, I don't think so -- rationally, I know that bugs are infinitely cleaner pests than rodents, but my squickometer still goes to eleven when silverfish are concerned. Those fuckers are creepy.
I spent a good 40 minutes scrubbing every surface in the kitchen (including moving things to clean behind them that hadn't been moved, oh, since we moved in), and there are no mousey traces anywhere to be found. This is a good thing, because it confirms my suspician that the nest is not in my apartment (if it were, I'd be seeing droppings and pellets, and I'm not). The landlord is coming by with traps and poison later tonight, but I think I'm going to have her set them downstairs in the vacant unit, because that's where they're probably coming from.