Eventually I need to visit there.
You should... IJS.
Oh. Portland. Portland is where the cool went when it fled Seattle.
We're quite cool but I like Seattle too.
I feel not good. Hope it wasn't the scallops since the cat snaked a few of those for herself.
"new Wire"
I'll be in my bunk.
People actually die falling off ladders?
Yup. More numerously than those in airplanes crashes. I lost my search term, but dimly remember the 2005 number as like 4K. The Homeland Security thing that has cropped up around liquids in flights is all about fear.
Yeah. And Karl Rove's desire to not have a day job, but you did not hear that from me.
Wait. Somebody is
Karl Rove?
They ain't no justice.
More people were killed falling off ladders in 2005 than there had been by all terrorist attacks in the history of the United States.
Or to quote - er - me: a Terrible Cowardice
We need to break the frenzy of fear and bloodlust that makes people willing to give up any liberty, to commit any atrocity if Daddy will just save them. The sane people of American need take a new pledge – a pledge against cowards and cowardice. A pledge that their fear of terrorism is not so great they will sacrifice their liberties, their judgment, their sacred honor to stop it. A pledge that fear of terrorism will not cause them to support the continued destruction of Iraq or the terror bombing of Lebanon, or new wars on Iran or Syria. A pledge that they understand that 911 did not change everything – that the laws of physics were not repealed, that bluster was not magically transformed into bravery, that our memorial to the murder of 3,000 people was not to say “evil be thou my good”.
Or maybe he just sticks his greasy paws in their pockets, like Snot Boogie.
I've waited ALL WEEK to watch my taped copy of Hugh Laurie's Actor's Studio, and instead I discover an episode of Project Runway. Woes.
Thankfully it's Bravo, and they'll show it again. Probably a million times.
I've waited ALL WEEK to watch my taped copy of Hugh Laurie's Actor's Studio, and instead I discover an episode of Project Runway. Woes.
Been there, taped that. Snarled at the tv afterwards.
It was cute...keep looking.
Guenter Grass served in the SS:
The Waffen-SS was the combat section of the organization and extended to 38 divisions. It was declared part of a criminal organisation at the Nuremberg Nazi trials after the war.
Does that make him a war criminal? I'm not sure from the article.