So I went to my favorite restaurant tonight, and there's a flaw in the plan. Our fave waiter comps us drinks, right? So tonight we had a new waiter and our guy caught up with us just as we were paying the bill...and I'd had two margs and a little bit of Bob's. We caught up, he noticed we brought in some people last time we were here and wanted to thank us for bringing in I'm three drinks and more into the hole.
ETA: Also, everyone who likes Arrested Development should give It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia a try; I just watched the first ten minutes of tonight's new one and am entranced. It's not for everyone but worth at least a look. It airs again in like, uh, eight minutes.
Hey ita, I'm writing something on astronauts vs. cavemen. I'm using Ellen Ripley as an example of astronaut/logic/ingenuity beating the thing operating on lizardbrain.
I have questions about skill vs brute force, and I think you're the woman to answer! Where you at? Head go 'splodey?
you loves a marg.
Makes me think of summer, you know? I feel guilty for being the cliche that likes America's favorite drink, but it's good stuff.
Back to my misanthropic sitcom. Also, CONGRATS MSBELLE!
I was at the hardware store, and they have pokey fire-stick things, only the metal stick bit where the fire comes out? is bendy. Bendy fire-stick!
Bendy fire-stick!
I saw those! I. Was. In. Awe.
Bendy fire-stick!
Hey! That's a good idea! We almost bought this insanely expensive lighter with this giant long bendable bit from a plumber's supply store, because our water heater is ridiculously difficult to light. But we didn't. Because we're lazy.
It's a monster boiler for 40+ units with locks I don't have keys to.
That does sound like it has too much potential for BOOM.
on the Daily Show! This is the best episode ever! (see also: tag line) And!
he put Jon ON NOTICE!