I wonder if they just thought it was easier to ban all scissors instead of banning all but small scissors and then having to deal with what the cutoff point is and people complaining, "But I've been allowed to carry this particular scissors on a plane before," and whatnot....
That's probably it. They're trying to process a large amount of people in a short time to get them on a small metal tube. Not much time for arguments there, you know?
Because I was soooooo going to hijack a plane with my 0.5" cuticle scissors, you know?
Speaking of your boasts, I bought this book for you yesterday, Nutty.
Be sure to feature it prominently in living room when it arrives.
I bought this book for you yesterday, Nutty.
(1) I love the tagline on that book!
(2) I note that neither the lady nor the cheetah are kicking each other's ass.
I think Nutty's going to have a new LJ icon.
Hi! I'm posting from work, rather than from Chicago, because my flight (to the same con as Dana) was cancelled outright.
Israel only has one international airport, right?
That's probably it. They're trying to process a large amount of people in a short time to get them on a small metal tube. Not much time for arguments there, you know?
Gotta be. One thing about a bright-line rule -- you either qualify or you don't. Not a lot of room for judgment means not a lot of room to argue.
PS, on close examination, the Cheetah lady has bicolored eyes!
Another report from my email, this one more likely to be accurate:
We are just leaving Dallas. They are permitting carryons and electronics, just no liquids of any kind. Security was surprisingly efficient here.
I love the tagline on that book!
You need a new tagline.
I note that neither the lady nor the cheetah are kicking each other's ass.
She's probably already established dominance over the Cheetah.
Israel only has one international airport, right?
Only one we're allowed to know about... dun duh duuuun.