Yep. From a discussion on LJ:
'Actually, the exec producer on Barnyard came to my class and gave a lecture last semester. The rationale for male cows with udders (that's apparently how the staff refers to them, so they are not "girl cows with guy voices" or whatever, in their eyes), per Steve Oedekerk himself, is, and I quote:
"Male cows with udders are fucking funny."
They are a Race Unto Themselves, Aaron claims; they had a run-in with the studio's Standards and Practices department, demanding to know if there was a Transsexual Agenda Being Promoted Here. Steve told them the above quote and promptly declined to discuss with with them further.
Hope that clears that case up, at least.'
I wonder what the rationale was for the teats.
My guess is that the male alternative, when walking around on two legs, was pretty darn obscene.
From looking at the picture, it occurs to me that the bulls should have schlongs right there. Maybe they decided it was better for rubberised boobies to be exposed than alternative gender-related organs.
it's because male cows with teats are, and I quote, "fucking funny".
But aren't there bulls in the movie? That's just weird.
demanding to know if there was a Transsexual Agenda Being Promoted Here.
Heh. That thought had crossed my mind too, in moments when I decided to charitably assume the filmmakers were being subversive instead of dense.
so what is Pluto?
Maybe not a planet anymore, according to the Science Channel show I watched last night.
I wonder if enough moviegoers will find male cows with teats "fucking funny" to make this movie its money back.
Alas, probably.
I don't think it's possible to feel worse based on an NY Times article.
The sinus headache!migraine part was interesting but didn't make me feel worse. The depressing part is the vascular involvement. Before I was in blinding pain. Now (well, not
now, but more generally now), I'm in blinding pain and can expect to die earlier of a heart attack or stroke, which is a little depressing when I think about it. Of course, with the blinding pain it can be a bit hard to think, so maybe that's not a big deal.
I lost at least two grandparents to strokes. My parents and sisters have all been medicated at one time or another for high blood pressure.
Mine's distractingly low. I choose to view this as a positive thing.
While I'm of course disturbed by male cows, I'm also dismayed at the tendency of Hollywood animation to characterize worker bees and ants as
That just ain't right.