Happy birthday, Aimée!
I should have a HS reunion this year. Huh. I would totally go, assuming it was the day after Thanksgiving, as it should be, but I haven't heard anything so I'm guessing NSM.
Tom, I can't believe you have to wait til Thursday. That just sucks. At least the procedure sounds cool.
OMG so sleepy. And I really want a bagel.
Happy Birthday Aimee!
You could not pay me enough to go to my high school reunion.
I'm in Sue's corner. It's a period of my life I've spent more than 25 years trying to forget.
Happy Birthday Aimee!
I thought I dreamt the Joe Leiberman thing! I had the tv on during the night. The thing that annoyed me was that the political "experts" kept saying things like "well, the liberals and the
would like a return to liberal values from the democratic party".
All bloggers? WTF?
I went to my 10th, my 20th and my 25th. I went mostly out of curiousity. If we had a 30th last year, I couldn't tell you and I don't particularly care. Even the folks I kept in touch with that still live in the area only get/send Christmas cards, so why bother going to see a bunch of people I have nothing in common with? High school could have been a place to find my tribe, but I didn't. It took the internets. Go, internets!
All bloggers?
We're a political party, dontcha know. The party platform is: we're in favor of posting pictures of our kitties. And linking to that thing we saw on boingboing last week. And liberal values. And against Lieberman.
Everyone knows the internets are for liberals.
Well, I didn't dream the blogger thing-- here is an article called "Why are the Bloggers targeting Leiberman?"
Did anyone catch THE COLBERT REPORT last night? It was just about a perfect episode what with
baby!Colbert's "This is TCR!" at the opening, a brilliant bullet point segment (with SC as Patton), an animated Tek Jansen adventure, and the reverse handoff to Jon Stewart at the end.
The only part that didn't kill for me was the guest segment, and even that had some priceless moments.