Someone just informed me I had glitter on me. I think my "I know. It's on purpose" was a bit terse, because he apologised. Still, I don't see why it's worth talking about.
Some people at krav remark on it, and the more seasoned others answer for me: "When doesn't she have glitter on?" Silly questions. Silly questioner.
Just got sent into a meeting with insufficient information. Which means I need to become more of a pain in the ass.
So hot: my cousin just called with an extra ticket for Shakespeare in the Park! That her sister and mother waited outside for seven hours to get! And now it will be MINE ALL MINE. It's not actually Shakespeare; it's Brecht. Starring MERYL STREEP. I am PSYCHED.
Awwww.... from a report on the Dixie Chicks in concert:
The Chicks sent out “White Trash Wedding” to Mel Gibson. “You know how it is,” Natalie said. “You get drunk, you say things … All our controversies probably would have gone away if I checked into rehab the next day.” One fan held up a sign that said, “I’m gay but I love Chicks.” “Aw, that’s sweet,” Natalie said. “I’m straight, but I love gay people!”
And IOGiantCreaturesAttackingEastCoastN, Massive Manatee Spotted In NYC's Hudson River...
OK, so it's not really attacking... yet.
Aww - I was at that concert. The Chicks were really good, but I swear, I wish people would go off script a bit more at these big shows.
I want a picture of the manatee! I love them!
I get to go to the Chicks soon! Yay.
I'm too late to wish Tom good luck, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Good Luck, Tom!
OMG, have people seen this local news broadcast about the "leprechaun"?
I'm dying. I just watched it once and made my officemate watch it immediately after.
I heard about that manatee on Olbermann last night. As he said, "An animal who normally stays in Florida...there's no global warming, no global warming at all!"
you know how my brother is with the buying of the tickets and such.
ION, I am dealing with work being crazy much much better this week. I think it is because I am more on top if the urgent issues than my boss is, so I am at least in step with him when he starts freaking out. Also, I am managing 4 people today instead of 2, so I get to dole out lots of work.