though they were ruined for me when a little girl looked at my feet in horror: "You only have one toe?!?!?!"
Cracking up over here.
I am biased against ballet flats, but that's because they emphasize the boatness of my feet. But other than that, what they said.
though they were ruined for me when a little girl looked at my feet in horror: "You only have one toe?!?
How cute!
I'm wearing character shoes right now. I have ballet flats too. I can do that. Straight up pumps, I totally lack. Hmm.
Pumps with a rounded toe, peep toe are good-- a t-stap if you want to go overboard.
t-stap if you want to go overboard.
Oh! Have those too, waiting to be repaired. Gotta get that taken care of.
I tried to buy ballet flats, but I think my feet are too naturally pointy for them to work really well. Hence only being able to see my big toe through the peep-toe shoes.
In non-shoe related stuff, I saw this really disturbing profile of the guy who started and runs the "Girls Gone Wild" video company in a bunch of blogs today. Very unsettling.
Cute Overload actually made fandom wank today.
I saw this really disturbing profile of the guy who started and runs the "Girls Gone Wild" video company in a bunch of blogs today. Very unsettling.
Criminy. My skin is itching to crawl away right now.
Cute Overload actually made fandom wank today.
Ha! There's probably a good reason I never click on the comments, then, I guess.
Dag, that Girls Gone Wild guy is skeezier than you'd think.