In my head it sounds like pwned, but I've never heard it said out loud. I have shrieked it internally a time or two, when it was an especially egregious situation.
I found my new favourite word: decathect. It means to withdraw emotionally in anticipation of future pain.
Isn't it lovely?
People! Internet joke typos should not be used in out-loud conversation! I include "teh" and "pron" in this category.
Just Say No.
I include "teh" and "pron" in this category.
I pronounce "teh" to rhyme with "feh," although Adam Sessler prononunces it to rhyme with "duh."
I always read pwned as "owned," because it's a typo of "owned", although that wasn't how I treated "wrod," which I'd (in my head) pronounce as "rod" whenever I read it.
PC, how do you say "Pwned by the pron!!!!1!!eleven!"
decathect. It means to withdraw emotionally in anticipation of future pain.
I have loved this word for many years.
Also, I say teh aloud to myself when looking at pictures of cute kittens on the internet-- like "Ooooh teh ketteh".
Oh, I do sometimes accidentally say "eleven!" when I'm really excited about something.
I say craxy a lot. But mostly to family/close friends.