Great big owies in your direction, Tom! 4MM doesn't sound like much until it tries to go through a 3MM space, I expect. My sincerest commiserations!!!
And now off to the MooTour -- taking pictures of all the CowParade statues (or at least as many as we can find) in Boston. Wish us good hunting of wily prey!
a couple of weekends ago I was in Jerusalem, staying at a friend's place, and we were all joking about how it's the safest place to be in Israel right now, since nobody would try to target it, with all the places that Muslims hold as holy inside it. Funny, how things can change so quickly, since usually Jerusalem is one of the places most people are usually used to have the biggest problems with, in terms of security
I hate that you have to have that gallows humor attitude, but I'm glad that you can have it.
tom ~~~sending you lots of ma ~~~~~
Nilly! I am fine. They let me have a sleeping pill last night, and 7 hours of solid relaxed-to-the-bone REST has made such a difference. Someone just hinted that I may possibly get to go home sometime today, but nobody else has come by to deny, confirm or provide details, so for now I'm not treating it as anything real. I'm rested, the Halloweenie is healthy, the rest of the placenta doesn't seem to be trying to go anywhere, and I might get a bath today. And Buffista visitors, and both my parents. That's enough good stuff for one day for me right now, after the last two.
{{Tom}} I hope the painkillers are high quality. Yikes.
Robin! Happy Birthday! How's the husband? (you respond to that question with, oh, my husband....) What a great surprise!
No bath for JZ tonight
Hec my dear, it is your husbandly duty to give the wife a sponge bath. One of the benefits serious responsibilities you signed up for in that marriage contract.
xposty with a rested JZ. Hi there little mama. So good to read you had a restful night. Nothing better for the body.
JZ-- you have been such a trouper during this whole thing. Halloweenie chose an awesome mom.
I notice something new about Robin. Being married seems to cause double and triple postyness. Must be the weight on her left hand. Or the trembling.