You're in an excellent position with your job and in demand.
I mean, I understand her qualms, but:
A) They seriously like me here for whatever reason.
B) My boss actually told me I had "job security" because there was so much for me to do.
C) One of the higher-ups specifically called to reassure me that the fact that it was taking so long to make me full-time was not an indication that they didn't want me.
D) This position was basically created for me, so there's no budget for it, which is why it needs to be approved by Even Higher-Ups.
E) Um, I like it here.
{{{Windy}}} You're too sweet.
I like to start with good news. Love!
P-C, great start. And it is hard standing up for yourself as an adult to a parent. Take it one day at a time and persevere. Eventually, she will realize that you do love her despite the fact you don't jump to her every whim.
{{Tom}} Sorry to hear you're having a bad time. Hang out with us and we can hold hands and offer shoulders. Then we can make out.
Speaking of making out, I made out with a Caucasian she-devil Friday night. Don't tell my mom.
Whoohoo, P-C! Hone those making out skillz. You must be learning a lot, she-devils and all.
P-C, I met a nice girl from Stanford at my friend's Indian wedding last week but she is from the wrong state in India. Sorry.
She and I were all set for the two of you to launch a fake romance to shut up both your and her parents.
That would be a great website. Instead of DesiDate you could go to DesiFake for the explicit purpose of shutting up parents.
((((P-C)))) Good for you standing up for yourself!
Or is that going a bit too far?
The second paragraph, maybe. Mrs. C hasn't yet realized that once the kids are grown up and supporting themselves -- as P-C will be doing in the very, very near future -- the parent-offspring power dynamic changes markedly. Very markedly.
That would be a great website. Instead of DesiDate you could go to DesiFake for the explicit purpose of shutting up parents.
There's also the hydrogen bomb of shutting up parents like the C's -- "Thank you for setting me up, Parents, but I've already found Mr. Right."
{{{P-C}}} Good for you.
It seems a friend from high school started a beer company in the Virgin Islands.
is an article about it if anyone is interested.
P-C, I'm sorry your mom is so negative with you. I'm proud of your response to her. In time, you'll both get used to it.
Now, which Caucasian she-devil is this--is it the friend from before, or a whole new girl?
An astute reading of my LJ will tell you the answer.
I'm semi-sans internet. Borg is more blackberry friendly than lj.
Is there a particular entry I should check? I will probably wait 'til morning.