Oh, I did but it doesn't matter to them. They are class A assholes. I have to relearn this every time there's a condo thing to be done. It never goes smoothly and we always end up pissed. We should be prepared for things to suck so that it doesn't grate so much when it happens.
'The Killer In Me'
Spike's Bitches 31: We're Motivated Go-getters.
[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risque (and frisque), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.
t snuggles gloomcookied
t doublesnuggles sean
Go, Emily! School, choose Emily!
GC, that totally sucks.
I feel like crap today. I've been puking, have a headache, and I think have a fever. Poor Toto got a very short walk tonight, 'cause I just wasn't feeling up to it.
Can I have some new lungs please?
Poor Drew.
Here...have one of Joe's.
Right now I think a smoker's lungs might work better than mine. Fucking childhood pneumonia.
Hivemind question: Anyone have any suggestions for a relatively inexpensive hotel near the conference center in Monterey? It looks like I may be going there to a conference in October. There are two conference hotels, the Portola Plaza Hotel and the Marriott Monterey, but they are OMG expensive. If I end up one of them, it's probably ok, but I think my odds of getting the travel approved might be greater if I could find someplace closer to $100 than $200.
I'll xpost with Natter.
Right now I think a smoker's lungs might work better than mine. Fucking childhood pneumonia.
That sucks.
Poor Noise and vw. Clear out germs! Begone unclean animacules!
Yeah, most of the time when I get colds they end up settling into my chest. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one burns through me quickly. I've got to finish painting my old apartment this week.