Thanks for the wishes of health. Hopefully this cold will pass quickly as I need to finish up everything with my old apartment by Friday. I have cleaners scheduled to come on Thursday so the last of the trash needs to be out by then and I need to patch small holes in the walls and slap a coat of paint on the place.
Hey, Aimee, you guys still intersted in my Microwave?
Yeah, that's be great. Thanks.
Teppy, what are the dates you are going to be in Vermont. I'm wondering if it coincides at all with the week that Teacup Guy is off before he starts his new job?
Sept. 2-7. And, because the universe likes to laugh at me, my Dad decided that he'd go up there the same time as me.
Yeah. The dad who woke me up every day that we were in Vermont for my brother's wedding, not because we had to be somewhere, but because he "thought I'd want to be up by now." That dad.
To be fair, it'll be easier on my brother and SiL if Dad and I are there together; that way they don't have to play host to visiting family for 2 weeks back-to-back.
But I'm going to have to have a serious talk with Dad about the fact that this is my damn vacation, and if I want to sleep until noon then I will by god sleep until noon. He's retired -- he can sleep as long as he likes, every day. I can't. And I don't think he thinks about that.
Yeah, that's be great. Thanks.
Okay, I'll toss it in my car next time I'm down there and bring it over to you.
Just got off the phone with my sister. My mom went out to dinner with the @$#@% stepfather that she left earlier this year AND frickin' signed over a check to him that was a refund from the phone company for some overcharge. Riiiiight. I don't want to think about how many times my brother and his wife paid Mom's phone bills over the years. My sister is most unhappy with Brad knowing where Mom lives and how to get in contact with her.
This kind of thing is why when I send money to help, I send it to my sister.
First day of school was today, and it was fun! Also, only a half-day, so I am home and revved to work on stuff. Half-day is a nice segue into the full-day teaching routine.
Damn, the freshmen (boys, esp) are little!
How are you feeling?
Still coughing and congested. Hopefully it will clear up quickly.
Is anyone else having trouble with the website today? I keep getting an error page.
K-Bug is getting too darn grown.
She got her schedule on Friday for her Junior year. She had wanted to take Spanish 4. Unfortunately the only teacher for that class is someone she has had before and we complained about (she is an awful teacher and had a thing for field trips to Starbucks).
Today she went to the conselor's office to see if they would switch classes for her even though the official process is for her to wait two weeks. She got lucky and was able to change things around. There were only two other classes that had openings - Dance and Child Care (it has a more offical name, but basically it is working in the on-site day care). She chose the Child Care class.
I'm so not ready for her to be a Junior and taking care of stuff like this on her own.
OTOH, I'm trying hard not to think about where C is and what she is doing for school this year.