foundation contractors with amusing gay-porn names
Cereal. on. my. monitor.
::plots ways to give amych a June do-over. and nip that Ninja Possum Infiltration right in the bud.::
Yes, because your June has been so faboo?
Well, it hasn't actively sucked. Stephen finally has a job, after all. Why is yours so sucky, babe?
Happy one-year, Daniel and Andi!
Happy Anniversary, Daniel and WindSparrow!
Happy anniversary Daniel and Andi!
A much belated happy birthday to Askye and Plei.
I took Aidan to school this morning and passed the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.
Driving home from softball last night K-Bug and I were a touch punch-drunk and ended up having a most rediculous conversation about idiot drivers and sex with cars (not in, with). Beyond silly.
The capper - she said "Mom, too bad you don't have your laptop hooked up right now. I would so go into your buffy boards and post this whole conversation." She doesn't even know about COMM, and yet...
It's pretty out today.
No fair! You're gettting our beautiful yesterday and all we get is this crappy rain. I'd pout but it might seem petty.
Happy Anniversary, Daniel & Andi!
Happy Birthday Epic! Hope it is the bestest.
Also my nephew is 29 today. Smart kid. I'll have to see if his dad has a number for him.
Congrats to Daniel and Andi. Isn't it grand to have so many special dates already?
June, we shall not speak of it again. Except the Heat won! Whee! Miami parades are fun. (but a bit warm)
Well, it hasn't actively sucked. Stephen finally has a job, after all. Why is yours so sucky, babe?
It's not sucktastic like amych's, although money/house/car stuff is going on here too, it pre-dates June. It's more of a low-level constant grinding suckage—fingernails running down a blackboard. Mostly, we're just too busy, and my life is no longer my own (now with even less my own).
Having one car, and three kids in Little League, at the end of the school year, in prime birthday time isn't helping the blisters on my feet from these damned diamond shoes. The first grade teacher has been scheduling a parents-please-attend type activity, at least once a week (and often twice) for the past month or month and a half. Meanwhile, the fourth graders leave our school at the end of this year, so there are a lot of events for them.
Off the top of my head, I can name seven kids in Julia's class who have older siblings in Ben's class (there may be more), so it's not like I'm the only parent who is being run ragged. We just look at each other and sigh. I bless the kindergarten teacher, each day.
Also, when it hasn't been raining, it's been ninety something degrees. I just don't trust that June. She comes on all sweetness and light, but don't trust her.