Belated $.02:
You know what helps? Having a going-away ritual.
Yes, this. Ours is "knock-knock" joke that goes:
Who's there?
See-ya who?
See-ya when I get back!
The bedtime version ends - See-ya in the morning!
DD added an enthusiastic "Ah-HOOO!" at the end that ends it with a smile.
We do this EVERY day when I leave for work or shopping or whatever, and every bedtime. Works great.
Oh, dear.
Now, I haven't managed to get dressed today. Just decided it was a waste day, and stayed in my jammies.
So, went to walk Toto. Hot Upstairs!Neighbor was on the porch with Hot!Cousin and Hot!Friend. All single. And there's me, in my jammies and bra-less self. Couldn't even bring myself to ask Upstairs!Neighbor about Labor Day party, I was so embarrassed.
Someone remind me to get dressed before I go outside from now on.
juliana, insent.
juliana's Social Secretary wishes to inform you that there is a reply.
Also, I just snarfed down a LOT of nummy bridge mix. Mmmm, chocolate....
Hi, Shari. Cute idea. I have no kids so far, but I may file that away for future use.
In other news I had a sudden urge to plant irises in the planter box around the tree in our tree lawn. I'm not sure about it, as Daniel has tried growing root veggies in there. They always top out. But bosslady from whom I got the irises said they are hard to mess up. So we'll see.
I'm in bed with billytea, AIFG!
::hugs Windsparrow back, just because she cheered me up this morning::
Good luck with the irisis.
Now I'm off to boil up some fresh corn on the cob and roast asparagus for dinner. Yum.
Ooooh, JenP. Hold on, I'll be right there.
I'm in bed with billytea, AIFG!
...This is exactly what it looks like.