when returning from our honeymoon many, many moons ago, we had to fly through Chicago right after a big crash there. We had been out of the news loop, so had no clue what happened, but did see the wreckage while we were waiting for our flight
Heh. This winter I landed at OHare shortly after another plane skidded off the runway at Midway and hit people...I had some anxious calls on my cellphone waiting, when I turned it back on. We had no idea though.
Sail, glad that it sounds like the fire was when hardly anyone was IN the building! Yay for unexpected days off, and here's hoping the damage wasn't bad enough to be a pain to deal with later.
Damn, should have gone to meara’s
Yeah! Y'know, that suprise party never did materialize--tonight I have cherries, mozarella and tomato (red and yellow), and more coffee ice cream! And blueberries. No crabcakes tonight, though if they're ever on sale again, I may have to get them.
Fay, tell K that he is NOT to be doing dangerous drugs in a foriegn country! Random sex is only acceptable if he is being safe. Tell him I will come out there and smack him if he is not careful.
Not just gay people in general...but the gays.
OMG, Miranda on Sex and the City is trying to budget the cuddling. LOVE. When I grow up, I want to be Miranda-meets-Sandra-Oh-in-Grey's-Anatomy.
Please, God, shut me the fuck up before I say something awful about spitting vs. swallowing
OMG, I would've been SO TEMPTED.
{{Trudy & Dallas}} Dog~ma and financial solutions. Eeek. Brandy has many lumps. She's not vain so they stay unless they bother her. The vet tested and they are just fat. (takes after her mother)
Anything I have to do over the phone I put off forever. I'd rather fly 1000 miles to talk to someone in person than talk on the phone, particularly with those kinds of situations.
Yes indeed. I have one vendor that I always email, and ask in the email to please respond via email. They always call me within moments of my sending the note. I don't like the phone!!
I just finished watching the repeat Colbert with was filled with teh gay. Very funny.
I'm watching basketball. Go Heat!
VW, the apartment looks great. SJ, go you on the avoiding conflict avoidance.
{{{{{Trudy and Dallas}}}}} Lots of -ma to you both.
Cute apartment vw. I can imagine you making it much cuter.
Kristin! Did you get some needed rest? How is your grandmother? (I skipped a bit)
I just finished watching the repeat Colbert with was filled with teh gay
His top five reasons for being threatened by homosexuality? Hee! I was watching that last night. Adore.
Laura, I did rest and she's doing a lot better, thanks. I visited her this afternoon, and she's coming home from the hospital tomorrow.
I spent the last couple of hours steam cleaning the living room carpet in my old house and helping my mom intsall a new baby gate (i.e. dog gate) since the two dogs have been mostly alone the last couple of days and apparently went on a reign of terror. DexH gets home tomorrow and can deal with it more himself.
Being in that house is awful. It's filled with the worst kind of ghosts.
I'm back at my mom's place now and have achieved wireless internet, however, so that's a good thing.
Today I had to write a PR piece masquerading as a news article. It was very hard and I did a lot of screwing around and throwing things away--and finally gave up for a bit and came and read Bitches and there was Aimee's complaint about stupid people and Gar's link to the immigration thing in the NYTs and that led me to ICE and it was perfect, so thank you Aimee and Gar! I love you peoples.
My faulkner-meara:
Trudy, much ~ma for Dallas and for you; I hope everything goes easily, also sj, go you on the hard calling; that kind of thing is so very tough and I'm proud of you; and while I'm at it, credit~ma to vw who deserves a nice apartment and yay to Kristin, and yay for your gram, who sounds like a lovely woman. I'm glad she gets to come home soon.
I swear I'm not usually so insensitive. Kristin, you hadn't posted that when I started my post. I'm very sorry for the ghosts and glad you're snuggled up at your mom's with wireless internet.
Thank you. I made it myself.