Oh, Sean. Vibing all kinds of health~ma S's way.
What do new mothers / parents need?
Plenty of onesies and receiving blankets.
A bouncy seat.
A baby bathtub, plus washcloths and towels with hoods.
A Snugli.
A Boppy pillow, especially good for breastfeeding.
A "baby needs" kit with thermometer, nail clippers, nose syringe, etc.
Sandra Boynton books!
That's just to start...
I am with baby Julia and P right now and we are working on the baby registry.
Wow. I first read this with a period after the word "baby" and I thought, "Cass is pregnant??!! Whee!!!"
Awwww...Cass, how fun!
I hear onesies are always a must!
I have heard that the cloth diapers make good general wiping-up clothes, and they come in pretty (from Target, for example)
P, congratulations on your daughter!!!!!!!! Great girls are named that name.
Cass, some cloth diapers are good to have on hand (the pre-folded, unless she's choosing cloth as a whole, don't worry about what that means, just look for packages that say it) because even if P doesn't choose to use cloth, they're nice for many baby related leaks.
Terry sleepers
wipies (unscented)
Diaper Bag
porta-crib and/or bassinet
changing (table) pad
rocking chair
receiving blankets
sheets (crib, and or bassinet, or what have you
A Busy Board
wash cloths
hooded towels
a second car seat (so they have one for each car, if they have 2 cars)
Since P adopted, I'd say find out which kind of bottles she's going to use and sign her up for bottles, nipples, a nipple brush, maybe some sort of little nipple rack for the dishwasher (if she has one). Formula. Vaseline. Balmex (or the ass ointment of P's choice).
She'll probably go out and get a lot of necessities between now and then, and if that's the case, she might not want to bother with a registry, and let people get her baby clothes.
DOH! I didn't read the part that you were working on the registry!!
A diaper pail that holds any kind of bags.
A pack n play with the bassinet and changing table. No new mother should be without one. We actually have two, but one lives at Grandma's house.
Give P a big smooch from me!
And give Julia a little one. Tell her she is very very lucky, that the Mommy that found her is a wonder.
Also, Cass - if she goes to Babies r Us, there are these pads in the bedding section. They absorb up to something like 3 times it's weight in water. They come in various sizes. They are teh awesome for changing tables and diaper bags. Little girls have the tendency to pee the instant the diaper some off and these saved lots of outfits and changing the changing pad cover
Oops. I missed the part where P adopted. A Boppy's still useful, though.
Congratulations to her, by the way! She must be on cloud nine today.