Except for the pants, and that I'm drinking iced coffee in a glass, we ARE the same!
It's like those... what's the name... parallel universes, where the same person is just a little bit different.
I figure when I hit 40 and I"m not married, I'm registering at Target and throwing a "I gave all my married friends and co-workers a blender -- now it's my turn" Married to Myself party.
When I was in my 20s and watching all my college friends get married and have babies, I was way more jealous of all the prezzies than I was of the couplehood. I wanted to throw myself a "Looks like I'm gonna be single for a while" Shower. Never quite got up the nerve to do it.
Oh, Bev. My best wishes. {{{{{Bev}}}}}
In other news, I'm kind of addicted to M.I.A. this week.
{{Bev and family}} There are no words.
I have threatened my friends that when I hit 45, if I'm still single, I'm buying myself a house, throwing myself a Happy Spinster un-wedding shower and registering at Target. I want to reclaim the word "spinster" and make it sexy.
If you do that Zenkitty, I will, too. Although, I really hope I can buy a house before I hit 45. My plan is to buy in about 3 years.
More picspam: [link]
JZ, when and if you are around, I'm curious about the source for some of those illustrations you scanned - especially the one with the guy as a circus rider wearing a spangled bra!
More picspam: [link]
Ah, good. You're starting him on his training early.
I'm so proud....
Yay picspam! Thanks for the smile making.
Busy packing. I'll try and picspam when I get home and can look at the camera.
ChiKat, I'm in New Jersey, or I'd buy sooner! Also, I've only got 2 years to the magic number, so my future husband better hurry up.
Bev, you and your family are in my thoughts.