Rough night, Laura. StE had a freaky scary high fever yesterday afternoon. They did a chest scan because his left lung wasn't working, put in a chest tube and drained a liter of fluid from the membrane around his lungs (not the lung itself), so the lung re-inflated and is working now. They left the tube in and it's still draining, so there won't be another buildup. They had him packed in ice and were spraying him with cold water and had two fans blowing across him and keeping cold compresses on his head. They did a fiberoptic scan of the interior of the lung, removed some mucus plugs and took samples to culture. Meanwhile they're continuing the broad-spectrum ABX until the cultures mature enough so they can tailor the drugs to the strain of bug. His temp was down to just scary high last night, and this morning it's merely high enough for serious concern. All we can do is hope the high temp didn't do permanent damage on top of the trauma. Level of unconsciousness remains the same.
I'm? Maintaining, I guess. My panicking won't help anything, so I'm trying to keep calm and concentrate on letting the pros do their jobs, and hoping for the best. Thanks for asking.
HFCS isn't actually any worse for you than table sugar
Are you sure about that? I heard that they do funny things to metabolism compared to regular sugar - increase cravings more than plain oil beet or cane sugar does. But admittedly not from a reliable source.
ABC did a special "How to Get Fat Without Really Trying" with Peter Jennings that was wonderful and very informative and, of course, Jennings wans't buying any of the BS that the various corn and junk food spokesmen were peddling.
Oh Beverly. This must be so hard for you.
Hugs Beverly tight.
I hope the fever goes down more, and that today is a better day.
Bev, I wish I could do anything at all. Hell, even if I was just nearby for moral support. You and yours are in my thoughts anyway.
I heard that they do funny things to metabolism compared to regular sugar
Fructose as opposed to other simple sugars, yes. But your average table sugar is higher in fructose than HFCS -- it's just easier to over-consume HFCS because it's such a common additive, and you can put it in things and still label them "No sugar added!"
And yes, Bev, what they said. All the strength and ~ma in the world to you.
Sean, how is S doing?
The support means a lot, Sean, even at a distance, it means more than I can say.
When we got up to the floor for visiting hours last night the trauma ICU had a new patient, and there had to be two dozen friends and family members clogging the hallway. The horror, despair, and sorrow was palpable.
There's something to be said for physically present support, but knowing StE has people sending prayers and good wishes from all over is just as powerful, so I can't thank you all enough. It means more than I can say.
How's S doing? And how are you?
And has anybody heard from JZ or Hec today?
Oh dear Beverly. I wish there was something more to do than send loving support. Keeping calm is the mom's job. It sounds like you have a good medical team doing their job. Those kind of fevers are so very scary. Much love sent your way and positive healing strength to StE.
Bobby is so very good about reading his labels. He totally gets the sugar=headache for him. He always asks if restaurants have sugar free desert options. He asks friends parents about ingredients used in snacks offered. He is cute in his efforts, but still once or twice a month he is in pain. Usually it is from not eating often enough. We still have to work on the eating 6 times a day does not equal eating 6 huge meals a day.