it is perfectly acceptable for Teacup Guy to say that he's going to take some time to think over the offer for a couple of days. I think it's also perfectly acceptable for him to ask for more salary/perqs -- so long as he's comfortable with getting a "no" answer.
He's fine with the "no" answer, but I think he is more worried about the "no we no longer want you to work for us" answer.
sj, if he likes the offer, I'd say go for it. I don't really know what to do if he thinks it's too low, or there's something else he needs.
Erin, I have recently found that I like knowing what the goals are for the year, or at least the next unit. What are the kids going to be learning in class and is there any concrete way I can support that (beyond browbeating homework)?
He's fine with the "no" answer, but I think he is more worried about the "no we no longer want you to work for us" answer.
This is my freak-out with every new job. I suck rocks at negotiating things like that.
He's fine with the "no" answer, but I think he is more worried about the "no we no longer want you to work for us" answer.
It's not likely that just asking for a few more perks or a counter offer of salary would result in a complete reversal of the job offer. Not if they really want him.
Of course, this is coming from a person who's stringing along on spec. So take that for what it's worth.
Cashmere, your situation does make me uncomfortable, but I would do the same thing. I hope it all works out splendidly, even better than you hope.
Cashmere, your situation does make me uncomfortable, but I would do the same thing.
Yeah. This is where DH and I differed. I was confident walking out of the meeting because it felt like I had passed a test and was moving on to the next level. The next meeting may not even result in a definite offer, but at least the meter is still running.
I was just browsing on the Lush website. . . I'm too broke to actually purchase any Lush products. So, I went to the "stores" page to see where the closest store is to my sister-in-law (D.C. is the closest) and saw that not only is a third Chicago store opening up but there is going to be one in Oakbrook. (Am now imagining shopping at Lush and then having lunch at CPK.)
Deena, the letter is pretty general -- I want the Spanish version of the letter to go on the back -- but for each unit, the students receive an agenda that outlines the readings, assignments, projects/papers, and/or tests for that unit.
I could give points for having the students give tha agenda to their parents and having them read it and sign it. Then, I could pull out the agenda at PT conferences to make sure the parents are actually reading it...or, if I was really evil, I could announce I was doing a random calling to ask parents if they'd actually signed it.
Oh, I like the agenda thing. You're very smart. (Which is not news to anyone, I know.)
I have a social dilemma.
Some of you may recall two years ago, just after Thanksgiving, my neighbor died of liver cancer. He had been one of K-Bug's softball coaches and was dearly loved by the whole community. From diagnosis to passing was no more than two months and he left behind a wife and two teenage kids (both friend of K-Bug's).
Well, the wife just got remarried - the wedding was held out of state - and they are having an open house/reception this weekend. I have not met the new husband. I have only heard about him through the kids. They are NOT HAPPY. Not just cause it feels too soon (they were engaged before it had been a year after B's passing), but the new husband had always been the couple's gay friend. The mom didn't even tell the kids about the engagement herself. They found out by overhearing a phone conversation. There are other things that make me feel icky about the situation too.
Up until now, when I have seen the mom, I have had the "I'm happy you are happy" attitude. But I don't know how much I can hold on to that. I had RSVP'ed to the reception, but now I'm having very mixed feelings. I just hate faking happiness.
I'm pretty sure both of my kids are going to want to go. DH has already said he has no interest, but he never said he was going in the first place and is a known anti-social person, so he has his out. Me? Gah.