juliana, if you have any trashy paperbacks you can live without for a couple of weeks I'd be happy to borrow them. I'm a cheap-paperback whore -- anything from eyerolly vampire romance novels to true crime to Le Carré to goofy vintage stories about grooving beatnik detectives and their kooky sidekicks will make me perfectly happy, and keep me lying down and quiet for a good long time.
JZ, we've got CRATES full of books at the old place. I'm gonna be there on Saturday. Want I should pick out some of my faves and send them your way? They could totally go to the hospital afterwards as well.
am so pissed at my company right now. this week the big boss of our office was walking through and thought more people should be here at 9:15 then were (I was actually out on vacation) and now they are cracking down on people working scheduled hours. I've been working at home unofficially one day a week with my manager's blessing & he just asked his boss if I can keep doing that and he said no. I know a lot of people have it way worse but this commute is too much for me 5 days a week. It's just getting worse and worse with the traffic. Anyway, my boss is going to approach the matter again in a couple of weeks but I'm a mess right now. I really think I need to look for a new job and I'm dreading it. I'm really afraid that after 6 years of working here I won't know how to do anything else. (which is stupid, kind of, I'm a tech writer. Skills should be highly transferable, right?)
anyway, bleh. I'm PMS-y and weepy today and now I can't stop crying.
I'm so sorry, lisa. I hope there's a way to negotiate it -- if it's been working just fine the way it was, and the alternative is you having to leave, it would seem logical that they'd be better off not changing things. Alas, logic... not the highest goal in most workplaces.
Me, I'm seriously having to consider the fact that San Francisco's been giving me no bites at all, while LA is inviting me to a district job fair with principals. Man, I don't want to move to the hot part.
lisah, you're a tech writer. You can find a new job if you want one. Or need one. Which it sounds like you might...
Sean, I hope things turn out right for S. How are you doing with all of this stress?
My neighbor must be moving. She's sweeping outside. Hopefully she'll get the spider-y bits from around my door as well. People are helpful up here, it could happen.
if it's been working just fine the way it was, and the alternative is you having to leave, it would seem logical that they'd be better off not changing things.
Yeah, and my boss understands this. It's getting his bosses to admit this that's the problem. For all the annoyances, I've been really spoiled here and I'm afraid of change.
I was reading about big-time fannish kerfuffles, for fandoms I'm not involved in, about people who have a much greater level of involvement in their fandom than I have in anything.
See? Sad.
Yeah, appalling. None of us would have been doing that.
(Because, um, we already inhaled the MsScribe stuff, and need to wait for the next big kerfuffle to fuff.)
Man, I don't want to move to the hot part.
Ah, it's not that hot most of the time.
Ah, it's not that hot most of the time.
What's the temperature outside right now, Mister Sean?
It's HOTT today in Santa Monica, which is unusual.
BTW, I think I aced my stats final. I may have actually pulled out a B in the class. I'm feeling that confident. Plus? IT'S OVER!!!!