Cash, that'd put her at 38 weeks and change. I just like the day.
It's a GREAT fucking day. Really.
Plei, bleaching someone's hair at home is generally a BAD IDEA, right?
Not Plei, but I've never had good luck with it. And believe me, I've tried.
It says on the brim, "If the tiara fits, wear it."
I need more details before I can say for sure, but yes, in the hands of those who know not what they do, it's a disaster in waiting.
Joe will be relieved, I think.
Come out here and we'll take the kids to DisneyLand and we'll get ya one.
Come out here and we'll take the kids to DisneyLand and we'll get ya one.
It's on our list of things to do. Definitely. Plus we've got the whole betrothal ceremony to do. (Sorry, P-C!)
I've got six
on my wrist, and you all have got NONE, bitches.
Shit, my sister's came off already.
ties it back on
Plus we've got the whole betrothal ceremony to do. (Sorry, P-C!)
Wait, I'm confused! Who's betrothing?
Who's betrothing?
Owen and Em. I just didn't want to freak you out with our arranged buffistae baby marriage joke.
Oh, that's more Gilbert and Sullivan than Indian.
Is she still nursing? Cause that can suck for you, too. Good luck clearing it up.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes for Ellie's thrush. Ellie doesn't like the medicine, but as far as I can tell, it's working and she doesn't seem to be in much pain. (The pediatrician said, "Oh, babies can have such a high pain tolerance. Ouch to me! Bad mommy!) She is still nursing, but I feel fine - I have some cream and the plus Ellie's medicine should eventually take care of the problem.
Oh, and it's probably a little late, but vw, I agree with those who said you don't owe your landlord any explanation other than "I'm renting it." If she gives you a hard time, I would say something like "Clearly it was more important to you to have the rent for the next two weeks than it was to get in the apartment and make repairs. It was your decision."
Oh, that is AWESOME! I think we need pictures.
Oh, and it's probably a little late, but vw, I agree with those who said you don't owe your landlord any explanation other than "I'm renting it." If she gives you a hard time, I would say something like "Clearly it was more important to you to have the rent for the next two weeks than it was to get in the apartment and make repairs. It was your decision."
Thanks, everyone. I'm trying to be a little compromising, because I do understand the need for income. And, when I told her they couldn't come in till next week, she was fine with that. It's just other things that she was crazy about.
Just think! Soon I won't have her to bitch about anymore! Won't that be wonderful for all of us?!