I'm rather fond of my car too sj. Good news on the transmission. I hope that you end up minimally out of pocket on this mess.
Ugh. I am suffering from teenage son this morning afternoon. I am trying to transition him from staying up all night and sleeping well into the afternoon to having to get up at 6am for the 7am bus in 10 days. He is totally miserable with me. If his mood doesn't improve very soon he will be on a school sleep schedule all next summer. Wanna smack him. He should appreciate my control.
{{{Calli}}} Strength to you.
ZMayhems, strength to you guys as well. That's terrifically scary, but I'm so glad JZ went directly to the ER and that things look like they are settling down.
Liberal doses of freshly-picked, organic ~ma for sj and askye (and mother) and all the Bitches at sea.
Oh, God, it's NOT OK when people I know go through the things I see at work all day. Weenie, listen up: You. Will. Stay. Put.
If we can squeak by to 34 weeks then we're pretty much in the clear.
You could take a week or a week-and-a-half off of that and still be in a very good place, especially now that JZ's gotten her betamethasone.
I'm sending lots and lots of love to all of you.
Hey 'weenie! Don't make Jen come up there and turn that uterus 'round! SHe'll do it, too!
That's right! I make no idle threats where female reproductive anatomy is concerned!
(I should make a pin: "I know all about the cervix! Ask me how!")
I'm pretty sure the combination of Imperial Decree and Medical Orders trumps oxytocin, Halloweenie. You'd best do as they say. We don't call ourselves
for nothing.
JZ update:
I just talked to JZ. The Drs are being very conservative and want her to stay until at least Monday morning, but they don't seem too concerned over all. She seems restless/bored, but other than that good. She'll have a computer at some point today, but isn't sure when.
Thanks for the update, Lee.
Yay! Thanks for the update. Bored is not good, but thatsagoodmama listening to doctors orders. I think if I ever go to the hospital again I will take my laptop before my purse or toothbrush.