Beej, if it's not too late, I wish you all the weather-ma in the world for your event.
Gud, good news is great to hear.
Was that a Laura sighting? Did anyone get a clear look?
ChiKat, you need to have a complete breakdown and take a week off, on doctor's orders. Let 'em see how they manage then. You did see the air quotes around "complete breakdown", right?
connie, I hear you on the interesting.
OMG! 30GVideoIPOD!!!MINE!!
Pardon me while I squee.
PS, thank you all SO MUCH for the birthday wishes.
Skipping many posts, as I still have no internet at home (but, in related news, a new high score on Bejewled).
So much -ma to Kristin! And general -ma to those as needs it.
Now I'm off, before Mallory decides to unplug the public embassy computer, or have a meltdown...but first, a funny story about his doctor visit today.
They were really busy, so there was a long wait between the checkup and the shots. I had run out of other options and was letting Mallory open and close the supply drawers in the exam room (but not touch anything in them!), which was amusing him greatly. Then the nurse came in to note something in his file and said, "Oh here, I can give him one of these to play with" and pulled a tongue-depresser thingy out of the drawer. It immediately went into Mal's mouth, of course...and was also a bit longer than a tongue depresser and had a branched end, like the end of a femur. She said, "Now you can tell him when he's older that he used to suck on pap smear sticks!"
(And here I could've sworn they were made out of spiky metal and broken glass).
YAY for video ipods! I hope you had a good day.
Ooo! I missed wishing Plei a happy birthday!
CaBil we may be able to accommodate you, but I need specific dates. Profile addy good.
ION I just arrived in CT and have gotten a grand total of about 45 minutes of catnap. Gronk. Now to pick up the rental car and drive the 45 minutes to Mom's place for a bit more sleep and then the hospital. Wheeee.
Kristin, I'm glad you arrived safely. Many hugs and sleepy vibes to you, sweetie.
Crumbs, ChiKat! What everyone else said!
Yay for Video iPods!They
(And by rock I mean 'can contain fanvids'.)
Aww. How sad, Fay. And I know how much fun they all were, and you had in Cairo! And I'm so glad I got to have a little of the fun! Are K and C still going to be there, or are they moving too?
Both going to be here next year, but they aren't on the best of terms these days. It was rather a messy breakup, and K needed to carve out his own C-free identity in Cairo. Which has involved lots of random sex and drugs, I think.
Are any of your friends joining you in Thailand?
Friend From Upstairs (who left at 3am this morning - she and I stayed over at Friend Around The Corner's until 2am, watching crappy movies and then falling asleep and stuff) will be in Korea. Which is closer Egypt or the UK, but still not exactly phone up and pop around close.
Damn. It.