Rant coming up.
I am full of wrath these days. My boss left for another job - before he left he gave me a so-so annual review in which he criticized me for, among other things, not being willing to go outside my comfort zone. Which would rankle less if he hadn't repeated slapped me down almost every time I suggested doing something new or taking on more responsibility. Also if I wasn't usually working as fast as I could to try to make deadlines which were difficult only because he's so damn slow. Then he sat me down and discussed the job opening (the one he was leaving) - after making clear that the job was being downgraded somewhat, he made it clear that I should not even think about applying for the job, that he would recommend against letting me take over. Then he decided he didn't need me any more, so stopped being more than marginally polite to me.
He left and we had an issue of our journal to get out. I write two departments, proofread and edit everything, do the layout, deal with the pictures that come in, and upload all the files to our printer. So our president takes over, with the assistance of an intern, and I'm finding out all kinds of things my old boss never let me know ... which if I HAD known, I'd have been able to do my job better and maybe make the deadlines a little more reasonable (example - getting two issues of the journal, between 48 and 60 pages each, out in three weeks). So the president's directing me, and the intern, only I never know what the intern's doing until I suddenly start getting e-mails from people. And it turns out the old boss was having people send him articles at his NEW address ... and taking a week or more to pass them on to us. And the bastard's still calling and e-mailing me and snapping out orders of what I'm to do to get this issue done. And it turns out he'd stopped doing his job with this issue - we had no one lined up for the next issue which must be done early to be shipped to a conference the first week of September. And the president's putting his "imprint" on it and it's coming out looking like hell.
My only consolation was when I got to tell him that he would NOT be writing his "editor's notes" and his feelings got hurt. bah!