It seems to me that once you believe in the supernatural it seems silly to declare God an impossibility.
Maybe he considers ghosts scientifically probable. Though I really don't think God and the supernatural are mutually exclusive. He may be more sensical as a soft, non-proselytyzing atheist, though.
It seems to me that once you believe in the supernatural it seems silly to declare God an impossibility.
You could postulate that the energy of the soul/spirit/anima has no bearing on deity. If you assume there's no heaven or hell, then a spirit's refusal to disperse to nothingness/whatever is easier to accept.
It seems to me that once you believe in the supernatural it seems silly to declare God an impossibility.
This. Not logically inconsistent (for example you could think you have evidence for ghosts, but none for deities). But silly in a missing the forest for the trees sort of way.
I just don't get what would stop God from being, I dunno, Boss Ghost.
"I believe in Ghosts -- but they do NOT have a heirarchy"
Right. Not disagreeing. Again logically it could be that ghosts don't have power over one another (or not much) so they have not way to affect one another. Hey, you know that could be the basis for a horror story. Ghost are real, but not only can't most people see them, most ghosts can't see them either. So ghosts are these thin flitting things who mostly can't be seen or sensed by other people, who can't see or be seen by other ghosts, and who can't even see themselves. A nice varietion on the "everbody goest to hell" afterlife story.
For me, I'd say it's an inconsistency because the existence of ghosts seems to automatically imply the existence of a soul, which in turn implies quite a great deal of things, most if not all of which are also seemingly denied concepts under hard atheism.
If you've already tossed the baby, why keep the bathwater? To mangle a metaphor.
Because babies require love and care, and bathwater is fun to splash in.
Well it was, 'til the baby pooped in it.
Dammit, I thought I ordered a non-pooping model.
I don't "believe" in athiesm. I just don't believe there's a god. Atheism is not, by definition, a religion. Proselytizing athiests fit a category well known in all belief systems -- wackos. The way I view it was best stated by Carl Sagen's wife after his death. Someone asked her, "Didn't he want to believe?" and she replied, "No. He wanted to know."